The Left's Disrespectful Dance on America's Grave: A Call to Arms, Patriots!

My goodness, lemme tell you, I've just about had it with these Demonrats, deep-state satanists, and radical leftists! I've just read the news today - and let me tell you, even for a battle-hardened news junkie like me, who used to run Goodman's Guns and Grills (yup, we sold guns and grills, best darn brisket this side of the Mississippi) it's a horrifying sight. These headlines - they ain't just words on a paper, no siree! They're the epitaph of a once-great nation, in the grip of a leftist, globalist conspiracy aimed at destroying the God-given freedom that made this country great!

Governor Newsom voicing out against his own Demonrat party for trying to remove Trump from the California ballot? Such audacity! They're so hellbent on eradicating the memory of our divine and rightly elected President Trump, that they can't see the hypocrisy in their actions. Let California be a warning, Patriots - is that the America we want? A place where truth and justice are scrubbed away and replaced with the illusion of choice? I think not.

Look at poor Laura Lynch of the Dixie Chicks, dying in a car crash in Texas. I bet these radical leftists won't even blink. Today, they're tearing down statues of our forefathers, tomorrow they'll be celebrating the death of a country music icon. It just chills my bones!

That Biden - or should I say his puppet masters? Wanting to keep the Chinese spy craft a secret from our own Congress? I bet he'd prefer to let the 'illegals' know before he'd tell his own countrymen. This, my friends, is the perfect example of the satanic cabal operating amongst us, preferring to side with the enemy, to cover the truth and keep the American public in the dark.

Don't even get me started on this ATROCITY in Iran! Striking a ship off the Indian coast with an unmanned aerial vehicle? That's what you get when you put a weak-kneed, freedom-hating elitist in the Oval Office. Our military wouldn't have had to swat down four Houthi drones if we had someone with a backbone in charge.

Now, Patriots, I don't ask for much. I’m just a retired gal named Shelly, who’s dedicated her life to her seven children named after U.S. presidents, her silently dissenting husband Bob, and our yappy Gus – a dog who’s got more spine than the current administration. But I am gravely asking you for something. This country – our country - needs us. We must rally.

We must stand up and take back our nation, our values, and our freedoms! It’s time for us to be heard above all the lies and deceit. It's time to fight these "vermin" who are poisoning our country. It's time to restore the sacred land that generations of hardworking, upstanding Americans (like us, my dear friends) built. Stand with me, for our sakes, for the sakes of our children, for America! God Bless the USA!