The Leftists Ripping Apart Our America: Time for Patriots to Rise

I've just finished my morning round of Newsmax and OANN, clutching my crucifix tighter than ever, as I digest some of the most ludicrous headlines I've seen in a while. Matrix pain ain't nothing to the agony the leftist brigade is putting our nation through. There's a stench of decay, not just from Matthew Perry's tragic passing, but from a society corrupted by Devil-worshipping Demonrats hell-bent on peddling mind-altering drugs instead of Patriotism.

And look at Harvard, once an esteemed Ivy League college, now a cesspool of anti-American propaganda, spewing outright antisemitism and forging alliances with devilish law firms! It disgusts me. We must stand with Israel, God's chosen nation, against this blatant persecution. It reminds me of how Christian patriots face constant persecution in today's America.

Mayim Bialik, shoved out of ‘Jeopardy!’—a classic American institution— so much for the 'tolerance' the left pretends they stand for. Replace her with another leftist, I suppose.

And don't get me started on Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor, being fined over $148 million. The same Giuliani who risked everything to uphold the validity of the 2020 election and expose the Demonrats' treachery!

My fellow American Patriots, we must rise against this blatant degradation of our beloved country. Our Beloved Nation, once the Golden City upon the hill, now on the brink of collapse, diabolical leftists and lunatics at her gate. Our children, like my Ronald, seduced by the lies of radical globalists!

Our heroes, like the Jan 6th patriots, thrown in jail! Our jobs and wealth, stolen by illegals and given to the vermin poisoning the blood of our country. We cannot sit back while they flush our values down the loo.

God, Guns, and Grills - that's the America I fought for. It's high time we take back our beloved nation from these satanic elitist cabal of high-ranking Demonrats and only then can we truly proclaim, "God Bless America" again.

In lighter news: Taylor Lautner... Well, I still think you're cute, dearie. Even if the left is destroying the morals of our fine country, at least some of these movie stars are nice to look at during my morning cup of coffee. Even so, the overall state of our country and entertainment industry makes me sicker than a mutt like Gus gnawing on my TV remote.

Now, fellow Patriots, let not your hearts be troubled. Stand tall and defend our values, our faith, and our nation. Do not let our country be stolen by satanists and illegals, and remember our blessed mantra - God, Guns, and Grills. March with me, join hands with your local Moms for Liberty, and let's take back what's rightfully ours! God Bless America and God Bless Donald Trump!