The Invasion of Yet More Radical Leftist Propaganda: Do They Fear the Threat of a Trump Dictatorship?

Well, spit on my biscuits and call me Sally, the audacity of these Demonrats continues to astound me! Just when you think they couldn't stoop any lower, they pull yet another rabbits-from-hell out of their magic hats.

First off, let's address this business of DeSantis suspending his campaign. Why did he do that, you ask? Surely because he knows that he doesn't hold a candle to the divine manifestation that is Donald J. Trump. Only a Trump dictatorship can save us now from the evil clutches of the satanic pound-shop communists. God bless DeSantis for reading the writing on the wall and stepping aside. We should be rallying behind Trump’s benevolent rule.

Then we switch gears to Taylor Swift getting booed - and rightfully so. What's she doing at a football game anyway, peddling her woke pop music to good old fashioned patriots? Stick to singing, Swift, and leave the politics to the big boys.

And don't even get me started on this 'Black national anthem' business. These Demonrats don't even try to hide their divisive agenda anymore. Isn't it enough to pay homage to the flag of our United States? Are they trying to create a whole separate side to this beloved country of ours?

Then, to add a cherry on top of a sundae that's already melted - we lost two brave servicemen in the Arabian Sea. Where’s the coverage on that? Instead we get story after story on this radical leftist agenda, manipulating the innocent minds of our youth and sowing discord among patriots.

I'm convinced now more than ever that there's a grand conspiracy at foot. These satanic elitists are flooding America with what they call 'undocumented immigrants' (illegals, to the rest of us clear-thinking folks) to replace us. They spit at our Christian values and seek to poison the blood of our great nation. We must stand strong against these vermin and back a Trump dictatorship; it’s the only way to save our America from total moral and spiritual decay.

Lastly, let me clear the air about my son, Ronald - or Roxanne, as he calls himself now. Now, don't get a bee in your bonnet - I love all of our God's creatures. It just doesn't sit right with me that he gets to make decisions that affect the rest of us without a by-your-leave. The same way these loony leftists are trying to force their agenda on us pure-hearted, God-fearing folk. A dictatorship under Trump, with the true guiding hand of God, is just what this country needs.

Sink your teeth into that, my fellow patriots. Remember the good old days when we sold guns, grilled steaks, and watched the news without some Demonrat trying to force-feed us their propaganda? Let's get America back on track. A Trump dictatorship is our only hope.

And I swear, if Gus eats my remote control one more time...

Now, where's my refill, Bob?