The Infiltration of America: Satan, Spygames, and the Sinister Scheme!

Folks, I am livid. Utterly livid. Was it not enough that we have radical leftists and wokesters trying to tear the heart from our nation? Now we have our own ambassadors, yes, longtime diplomats, caught red-handed spying for Castro's Cuba. As if it wasn't good enough for old Fidel to try and annihilate us during the Bay of Pigs! Every fiber of my being is shaking with righteous rage, and I implore y'all to join me.

I owned Goodman’s Guns and Grills, an honest patriotic American business, and every single cent I scraped from that place, I paid taxes on. My children, Andrew, George, Ronald... yes even Ronald... Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha, they all watched me sweat blood for that store. And now, the IRS wants a slice of our hard-earned money. For what? So Nick Cannon can spend a fortune whisking his entire litter to Disneyland?

The audacity of it all! As if Joe Biden wasn't doing enough to undermine us authentic Americans, he now coyly tosses Israel, our staunch ally, under the bus. Nancy used to say that when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Well, I did, Nancy. I knew Biden was a fraud when he was still clutching to Obama’s coattails. Now, he's standing behind Hamas, of all things!

Chiefs fall to Packers, can you believe that? Is there nothing sacred anymore in this country? I could barely watch it, after my yappy mutt, Gus, had chewed up the remote! Now I've seen my share of foul play during my years working the register at Goodman's Guns and Grills, but this, this was a plain miscarriage of justice!

So, to my fellow patriots, stand firm! The time to act is now! Write to your senators, reeve up your engines and join local chapters like Moms for Liberty. They are trying to convince us that our country is being usurped by some leftist globalist fantasy, but I refuse to stand by and watch! We will not be replaced by undocumented immigrants! We will not have our Christian values and principles quietly stripped away! Rise up, for we are the Heart of America! God bless you, and God bless the USA.