The Infestation of our Schools, the Lies of DeSantis, and the Threat to Our American Spirit!

This country is going to Hell in a handbasket, I tell ya! The headline reading, "Man behind ouster of Harvard president Claudine Gay lays out plan to retake elite schools" is nothing short of alarming! Ever since my Ronald became Roxanne, I've known how deep the Demonrat corruption runs in our schools. For heaven’s sake, they’ve got satanists and witches teaching our children about so-called "critical race theory" and gender identities. Stand up and reclaim our educational institutions, patriots! If Harvard's president can be ousted, we can retake our schools from these globalist satanic Demonrats!

And don't get me started on DeSantis's ludicrous suggestion of pardoning the Bidens to "heal" the country. HEALING?! The only thing this country is in need of healing from is the leftist deceit seeping into every crack and crevice of our government. The rightful and God-given president was robbed of his electoral victory, and you want us to sit back and pardon the thieves?! Anyone who supports the "Biden administration" is just as guilty as the man himself. There’s no pardon for treason!

As for the Ukrainian orphan... a child posing as an adult, or an adult posing as a child, doesn’t matter. This is the exact reason we need you-so-called 'illegals' out of our great nation! Deport them, I say! We cannot reward this sordid behavior by turning a blind eye!

And dare I speak about the disgrace that is Jeffrey Epstein! Yet another proof that the high-ranking Demonrats are involved in heinous acts against humanity and our children! No one can deny the satanic rituals and child exploitation that these ilks continue to pull off under everyone’s nose! Epstein, Clinton, Biden - they all are birds of the same feather.

The woman's viral tunnel project? Leftist engineering of divide! And as for the airline disaster - if that isn't a warning sign from God about the impending chaos leftists are bringing upon us, I don't know what is!

So hear me out, patriots, it is time to rise! Time to take a firm stand against these attacks on our freedoms, our children, and our great nation. Time to restore America to its glory, as a beacon of Christian values and God-fearing citizens. Time to fight back and demand a return to the rightful president, Donald Trump! Rise, before it's too late, and God save America!