The Hellbent Demolition of America by Demonrats and Globalist Elitists

Aggravating times of lunacy like these make you wish Goodman’s Guns and Grills was still open. It's news like this that makes my blood boil hotter than a sale on Hibachi grills. The onslaught against our freedom, against our life as we know it is unending. I read today; a corrupt prosecutor from Baltimore might lose her law license after her conviction. The irony that she was going after our fine police officers in court, just another example of law enforcement being demonized by these Demonrats.

Then, the very audacity of Biden's administration, aggressively persecuting Christians. Did they not get enough after hitting the nation's largest Christian university with a staggering fine? They possess the absolute disdain to knowingly sue in the aftermath. It's persecution, pure and simple, and my heart bleeds for those affected.

A Florida man killed on Christmas day - do these illegals have no decency? What about the sanctity of the Yuletide? If this doesn't scream for better immigration reform, I don't know what does. Label me a racist if you want, but I'd rather be safe in my own country than have it flooded with criminals.

Good God, what has the world come to when the prime focus is on some Hollywood starlet praising her vanity diet instead of tackling the real issues at hand? To top off my fury, Northern Israel is under heavy attack. A clear representation that evil is alive and well, eagerly spreading its vile taint around the world.

Finally, China flexing its totalitarian muscles. Our beloved America needs to be vigilant, lest those leftists or globalist weasels try to sneak their corrupt influence onto our land.

Hop off your recliners, fellow patriots! Time to tell these elites, these Satanists, and brainwasher Democrats that we won't stand idle. We won't let them ravage our children's minds with ludicrous theories or let our country be trampled by false leaders. It's time to stand our ground and proclaim that our America is no Sodom. Fend off the Democrat tyranny and reclaim our America! If brave patriots could stand their ground on Jan 6th, why can't we protect the sanctity of our homeland?

Listen, my fellow patriots - echo the rallying cry. Shed the shackles of political correctness, that's their language, not ours. Let's bring back the spirit of freedom, the spirit of true America. Donald Trump is our beacon of hope, our divine confirmation that freedom will prevail against this leftist onslaught. Shake off the tyranny, rise above it, and remember that we are America. Praise be to those who hear my call! Unite, resist, and surely we shall prevail!