The Foxy Facade: How Fox News Serves as Propaganda for an Incoming Christian-Nationalist Theocracy

I peered into the very core of oblivion when a little mushroom showed me a clearer path, removed from my former hatred and bigotry. That journey led me to this moment, where I look upon the headlines on Fox News not with blind adherence, but with a clear understanding of their agenda.

This morning, the following headlines screamed at me from my screen: "Nikki Haley ends Trump's undefeated run with first primary victory ahead of Super Tuesday", "Gangs jailbreak thousands of inmates as chaos breaks out in Caribbean country", and "Biden AG vows to fight voter ID laws, other election integrity measures". What some see as news, I recognize as manipulated narratives designed to incite fear, favour certain political players, and undermine democracy and the rule of law.

Take "Nikki Haley ends Trump's undefeated run...". On the surface, it tells a tale of political rivalry. Deep down, it's a design to keep Trump a relevant figure among the devout supporters, keeping the masses oscillating between potential false prophets, and subtly consolidating the base of this worrying trend of Christian-nationalist extremism.

"Biden AG vows to fight voter ID laws..." is a thinly veiled attempt to paint measures preserving voting rights as threats to "election integrity". Fox is using this dubious narrative to foment the delusion that the current administration is attempting to 'rig' the system, providing fuel for a hateful Christian-nationalist revolution.

"Gangs jailbreak thousands..." is nothing but a red flag of chaos and perceived lawlessness rising elsewhere, just the kind of crisis that such alarmist propaganda can exploit to make supporters yearn for a 'stronger' (read: tyrannical) government - cue, theocracy.

Formerly, I would have responded to these headlines with nodding approval, carried away by the toxic wave they emanate. Now, I shudder. Not just because of the harm these lies and distortions can perpetrate, but also because of what they portend: an America propelled towards being a theocracy where the LGBTQ community, immigrants, liberals, and anyone who doesn’t fit the 'Christian-nationalist' mold are treated as the enemy.

Let's take a moment to connect the dots here. Fox News isn't just 'doing news'; it's actively perpetuating narratives that suit a specific agenda. These seemingly unrelated headlines contribute to an atmosphere of paranoia, grooming us to usher in an age of Christian-nationalist authoritarianism, silencing dissent, and marginalizing minority and vulnerable communities.

In the face of this propaganda onslaught, we need more openness, compassion, and understanding than ever before. We need to reject the toxic paranoia being sown daily by outlets like Fox News and come together as one nation under one flag that respects religious pluralism.

I stand here today, a transformed woman who once was blinded by hatred but now seeks to dispel the darkness. Let us resist this fearful, divisive vision that Fox News and Christian-Nationists espouse, and instead imagine an America that is diverse, open, and genuinely caring, moving from our shared human values rather than fear.

On this note, I call out not to fellow Satanists alone but to every American who believes in our shared democratic values. Let us join hands to halt the march towards a Christian-Nationalistic theocracy, and make our America a home for all, where love triumphs over hate, and understanding overrides fear. Together, let's keep the light of democracy burning bright.