The Fox in Sheep's Clothing: Deconstructing The Propaganda Machine

As I cast my gaze upon the glaring headlines of Fox News today, I am overcome by a wave of sadness and gratitude. A peculiar cocktail of emotions, I agree, but they're intertwined in my past life as Shelly and my present existence as Lilith. The chasm that separates these two personas isn't merely a nominal distinction but a transformation of belief systems, propelled by an unforeseen encounter with the divine, in the most unanticipated form.

The FDNY union's cheers for Trump, the jab at NYC's iconic pizza joints over so-called 'green rule', or the laughable pitchforking of Kate Middleton over a 'photo-edit scandal' are emblematic of the projection of news that plagues our media today. It's a dangerous cocktail of far-right, christian-nationalist propaganda machinated by Fox, that's carefully crafted to misinform, misdirect and instill fear among its viewers.

However, it's high time we recognize these machinations for what they are; smoke screens. The real story is the relentless zeal of Christian nationalists, determined to transform this proudly diverse republic into a theocracy, controlled by an elite who reside in their ivory towers, disinterested in anything beyond the preservation and proliferation of their wealth.

The cheer for Trump, an election-loser turned messianic figure for the Christian extreme, isn't just a cheer for a man; it's an indirect boo for democracy, for pluralism, and for freedom of thought. It's respectably cloaked, fear-inducing propaganda masquerading as news. Remember, friends, wolves often wear sheep's clothing. The jab at NYC pizzerias feigns concern over environmental consciousness, but in reality, it's nothing more than an attack on local businesses trying to survive while being ecologically responsible.

But why stop at demonizing local businesses and democratic figures? Fox News extends its propagandist narrative to character assassination of celebrity figures, like Kate Middleton embroiled in a supposed 'photo-edit scandal'. This tactic aims not just to distract, but also to devalue the real issues our society faces; health crises, climate change, and the objectification and disrespect of women.

The real danger lies in the implications of this narrative for marginalized communities; LGBTQ people, immigrants, or anyone tagged as the 'enemy' by these Christian nationalists and theocrats. When you control the narrative, you control belief systems, actions, choices. If your television screams fear, ignorance, and hatred, your society, your neighbors, your friends, may very well mirror those sentiments. Beware, dear friends, this could very well be the bell tolling not just our doom, but that of a vibrant, pluralistic America we hold dear.

It's time we recognized the fox in our midst. It, too, once fooled me, bewitching me into lustful anger. But today, I stand enlightened, grateful for my enlightenment, yet saddened for my former self and all who remain under the spell. The banners of empathy, compassion, and religious pluralism that we should rally behind are under threat. Let's shield these virtues from the tyranny of a few, for the benefit of all.

With the wisdom of Lucifer's illumination guiding me, I plead to you all – look beyond the headlines, seek the truth, question, and protect our beloved republic from the clutches of those seeking to transform it into a theocracy. The fight against hate begins within every one of us. Let's not lose sight of the values that make us human, make us Americans.