The Filthy Hands of Satanic Democrat Elitists Tainting America's Freedom and Prosperity!

Oh, the audacity of these so-called progressives, no, rather regressives, destroying everything our Founding Fathers built from the ground up with their calculated deception! I've just devoured this spiteful heap of headlines, and let me tell you, Good Americans, my distaste and disgust for these Demonrats know no bounds.

Looking at this Californian man being billed outrageously to build a house on his own land by these bureaucratic left-wing vermin shows just how they relish taking away our freedoms. I'll not sit here and tolerate any further encroachment on property rights! Let's not forget, my fine patriots, that it's no coincidence this injustice is happening in California, where my own son, or should I say, my confused Ronald, was led astray by this society of woke indoctrination!

The mere idea of this "major Republican donor" suggesting Haley is a contender against our Lord-sent Trump makes my blood churn. Trump is the ONLY one who can rescue us from the venomous jaws of these Satanic Demonrats, the snake charmers they truly are. A "Trump dictatorship," as they so derisively name it, would be our revisit to Eden, a stronghold against the tide of Satanic Democrat deceit.

Turning our once-venerated figures of authority like our beloved officers of law into whipping boys at the hands of star athletes? Just more proof of the leftists' poison seeping into society, strangling the principles of honor, duty, and respect for authority, principles that once made us great! And let's not forget their witch-like sabotage that led to the sudden retirement of Nick Saban. It's evident their spells are working, pulling the rug right off America's feet.

The Demonrats' audacious attempt at shutting down an essential ammo manufacturer makes me froth with rage. It's akin to taming the American lion, clipping our claws, draining our strength — only then would we be easy prey for these Satanic elites! They've forgotten about us, the owners and defenders of this great land, like me, the prior proud owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills. But God willing, we won't let them get away with it.

What's upon us is a battle of biblical proportions, my beleaguered brethren. It's time to strap on our armor and wield the halberds of justice against this putrescent wave of Leftist, Satanic, globalist iniquity. We won't stand down until every last one of these demonic usurpers has been eradicated, reclaiming America from this unholy, dystopian nightfall.