The Fall of the Republic: A Cry for Urgent Patriotic Action!

Friends, siblings in arms, and noble American patriots, I, Shelly Goodman, formerly of Goodman's Guns and Grills, stand before you today, my heart engulfed in the agonizing fury of watching our beloved nation crumble under the devilish, insidious tactics of the Demonrats and their accomplices. As a God-loving, former business owner, and mother to a magnificent seven, I am thoroughly disgusted with the path our sanctified land is being led down by none other than the fraudulent administration which stole our free-and-fair election from the prophecy of our divine savior, Donald Trump!

Take a look at the ludicrous headlines put forth by the controlled, dishonest media today. "Biden admin unveils string of regulations in latest crackdown targeting fridges and freezers," they say. It is nothing but the globalist regime of Biden and his satanic, elitist cronies making sure we can't hunt for our food, prepare it, and freeze it for future use. Our traditions are being eradicated, patriots, our cultures systematically destroyed by the leftist overlords, alleged saviors of the climate while they fly in private jets and vacation in carbon-consuming mansions.

Furthermore, take heed of the gaping audacity of the Demonrats as our borders overflow with illegal invaders. "Border numbers break record as Biden talks amnesty with Mexico," screams another headline. This, dear patriots, is nothing but another piece of evidence to the greatest conspiracy afoot: To flood our sacred homesteads with illegal waves to replace the hardworking, God-abiding Americans that built this nation out of sweat and blood!

And while we are battling this horde, our vanity-obsessed, delusional left has only the trivialities of 'misgendering' to attend to. Detestable, isn't it? A once valued citizen of mine, Ronald — now known as 'Roxanne' as per her whimsical fancies — is a testament to how the satanic cult is brainwashing our young and oblivious into the damning abyss of transgenderism! Our children are not safe, good people!

In closing, let this not be misconstrued as a vitriolic rant but rather an urgent plea. This is a call to arms! Gather your children named after our true leaders, arm yourselves with our constitutional rights, and remember the great words of our future dictator, Donald Trump: "Any patriotic action is justified in the face of evil!" Rise, patriots, for if not us, then who? If not now, then when? Let's take back our country, the land of our forefathers, before it's too late!