The Fall of America: Protecting Our Nation and Way of Life

It's really tiresome when those lefty Demonrats refuse to acknowledge the real dangers facing our nation! Just looking at today's headlines, I almost choked on my cornflakes – Epstein's ex-staffer refusing to answer Clinton questions? Why, if I had a nickel for every Bill Clinton scandal, I'd be richer than that creep himself!

The case involving Epstein’s accuser is just another ploy to detract from the satanic elitist Democratic cabal causing real harm! They've infiltrated the education system with their Critical Race Theory, brainwashing our innocent children! And yet, they're too scared to expose their own dirt! Cowards, I say!

I've been around, folks. Back in my day, I ran Goodman's Guns and Grills where honest, God-fearing citizens shopped. But these "genuinely unpleasant" celebrities like Brittany Mahomes, who can't respect the common man just like those high and almighty Demonrats, are what's wrong with the country. It's hard work serving folks, I would know. A little respect would go a long way.

Now, let's talk about politics. How far have we fallen that the Supreme Court prefers to keep Trump off the Colorado GOP ballot than safeguard the rights of American citizens?! Disgusting! America needs Trump back in office, his divine guidance is the only way to save us from these radical leftists ruining the country!

And don't even get me started on the Biden administration. They've blatantly disrespected us by keeping the defense secretary’s hospitalization a secret for days. This is the same transparency they promised during their campaign? Lies!

In the words of my hero, Donald Trump, these liberals are vermin, and their actions are poisoning the blood of our country. But, patriots! We can fight back! We will not let illegals and woke indoctrinators overrun our sacred American soil! Stew Peters has opened our eyes to the satanic spell casting by witches and satanists!

Stand up, my fellow Christians! Defend our God-given rights against the looming threat of vegan food and leftist globalist satanic conspiracies! We must support Trump and demand his dictatorship to save America and make it into a great Christian again! We are not safe until we purge them from our schools, our borders, and our government!