The Fall of America: An Atrocity Committed by Leftists and Wokeness

In the immortal words of one of my seven darling children, "Leeches are less parasitic than Demonrats." Upon reading today's headlines, I'm inclined to agree with dear Ronald - or Roxanne, as he would have you call him. As a retired woman, I never thought I'd see the day when hysterical leftists start eroding the foundations of this country and stoke the fires of its downfall.

This new administration, piloted by the nitwit Biden, seems hell-bent on demonstrating a complete disregard for economic textbooks. As if punishing manufacturers with absurd climate rules wasn't enough, Biden is single-handedly yet systematically destroying the livelihoods of hardworking Americans, instead of rescuing our great country from the clutches of international competitiveness. As a previous owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills, I'm intimate with the hard labor that goes into creating and maintaining a successful business, and I can tell you right now, this indifference towards the economic backbone of America might as well spell national suicide.

My son George always admired that man who predicted virtually every election winner since '84. Today, however, the look on that leader's face rings alarm bells louder and more menacing than a Gus attack on a precious remote. It's sounding the death knell for truth and justice under the persisting tyranny of the Democrats.

The day the leader of Woke Kindergarten started spewing venom, calling aliens oppressed and endorsing the destruction of the United States, is the day I knew we were wading knee-deep into an unholy mess. Has the world gone mad, or are we divine children of God living in some sort of perverse nightmare? Truly, the audacity of the left is as criminal as Gus’s taste for remotes.

Furthermore, who gave the Treasury Department the audacity to spy on honest American citizens? Is that what our tax dollars are for - to bolster Orwellian surveillance? And let's not even start on the mockery faced by that one-armed shark-attack survivor at the hands of a transgender activist, of all people. Traumatized; is that how we're expected to live under this regime?

Haley’s loss is only one more blow to the representation of sanity, skill, and sincerity in our national governance. There seem to be so few willing to ride the rough sea against those hellbent on poisoning our great nation's body and soul.

This, my fellow Patriots, is the reality we must brace ourselves for, the very abyss into which we are being shoved by satanic, globalist elites. It is time we thrust our swords of truth into the pitch-black eyes of these demons and reclaim our nation, before the light of liberty is extinguished forever under the foot of leftism.