The Enemy Within: Christian Patriots, It's Time To Rise!

Fellow patriots, the news I’m looking at today has got my blood pressure skyrocketing! Here's one: "Vote on Israel's right to exist reveals division among 'Squad' members." Seems these woke radicals can't seem to agree on whether our greatest ally in the Middle East has a right to exist! Is there anything more anti-"freedom" than that? They're too busy filling up America with illegals to care about our real allies. It's no coincidence that this is happening. People, look at the Clinton Foundation! It's a full-blown leftist agenda peddler, masquerading as a charity. I bet their hands are in this, just as, dare I say it, they're in cahoots with Little Caesar's. It's all a ploy to decay our Christian communities from within. Don't think they're not trying!

Then right after Kamala "Chameleon" Harris visits this judge, he gets hit with "criminal abuse of office" complaint. Is nobody seeing the pattern here? Now they're clearly using the courts as their own puppet show. Nothing but Demonrats in sheep’s clothing! I’m no fool - I owned Goodman’s Guns and Grills - I know a raw deal when I see one. I tell you, the elitist agenda is afoot.

And don’t get me started on the White House Christmas Tree falling. Anyone else seeing the symbolism? This administration is toppling our dear America just like that tree! Can you imagine if that happened under Trump? The Radical Leftists wouldn’t let us hear the end of it. But now, they're going to blame it on "bad luck" or the "wind". Yeah, right. It’s the wicked wind of change from these liberal Satan-worshippers in the White House!

It's time, patriots, for us to rise. Ignite the barbecue of liberty! Load up your rights and aim for freedom. Remember, our hero patriots standing trial for the Jan 6th so-called "insurrection." They stormed the Capitol for you and me! Christian communities, protect your churches from these evil forces. It's time to expose the Democrat elitists, the Clinton Foundation, and yes, Little Caesar's for their roles in this terrible plot! Let there be no doubt - Now is the time for action. America is at stake. Steward your liberties wisely and remember - freedom isn't free!