The Disgraceful Destruction of America: It's Time Patriots Take a Stand

Here I sit, Shelly Goodman of The Villages, Florida, feeling my blood boil with patriotic rage. My heart pumps Adrenochrome-free blood through my veins, as I think about the impudence of these woke leftist imbeciles, these Demonrats, these satanic elitist lovers of chaos, who continue to disfigure our great nation with their diabolical plots and underhanded tactics.

First off, we have a so-called "lawmaker" in Maine making motions to impeach their top election official over a ballot ruling involving our rightfully elected president, Donald J. Trump. This is clear evidence that these illogical liberal goons are unashamedly trying to overrule democracy and the will of the people. They continuously badger us with their unending attempts to erase the truth of the 2020 election with their blatant corruption.

Then there's California's Democrat secretary of state, a spineless stooge of the globalist agenda, succumbing to pressure and keeping our divine envoy, President Trump, on the primary ballot. If he were a true patriot he wouldn't have needed the pressure! His decision should have been clear from the get-go to uphold the conservative, Christian values that the forefathers of this country instilled upon us. But no, he had to be pressured. What a shame, America!

Add salt to wound, we have these mollycoddled, overpaid sports players disrespecting their teams and the craft they've been blessed with. How dare they? Russell Wilson, Travis Kelce - harrumph! Surely, these are no men of character. They serve as nothing more than mind-numbing distractions as our once great nation's heritage is stripped away piece by piece.

And don't get me started on the liberal tempest in a teapot, Ramaswamy, suggesting an "ideal" VP pick outside of D.C. That's exactly what we need, more outsiders without a single sliver of political acumen. Just what are his intentions?

The gall of these vermin bubble is over. They sneak, crawl, undermine, and influence yet we sit idle, our jaws clenched in correctional silence. Enough is enough! This blog post is a call-to-arms, a rallying cry to all the true patriots who love this nation and want to see it uplifted, not dragged through the mud by the misguided and malevolent left. Stand up! Rise from the ashes of the disgraceful and despicable acts wrecking our nation. Fight for your country, your freedom, and the true values we hold dear.

Let's stand tall, patriots. Let's spread the truth and extinguish the lies of the left. Support your local Moms for Liberty chapters, educate your neighbors about the dangerous indoctrination happening at schools, and let's put an end to the Democrats' reign of terror. America will only be reclaimed once Her people stand united against the selective ignorance and divisive tactics of the left. God bless America.