The Devil's Doings: How the Demonrats & Elitist Leftists are Plundering our Nation!

Wake up, folks! My eyes almost popped out of my head as I read the news today. Years ago, when Bob and I first opened Goodman's Guns and Grills, we pledged allegiance to the flag and to the values our country was founded on! But look at us now. It's as if the patriot who opened the store isn't recognized by her own children anymore - especially not by Ronald, or should I say Roxanne? Affirmation of individual liberty, my foot!

Our so-called 'President' Biden, leading us into decline with his unsound mind! It's a laughing stock, I say. Our nation's security is too crucial to be helmed by someone who should be put to pasture. I voted for Trump, I supported Trump, and by God! I still think he should be leading this nation. But no, we have Joe "Stumblebum" Biden, practically gift-wrapped the election thanks to the underhanded tricks of the Demonrats!

Speaking of Demonrats, it seems that they're ever busy, weaving their webs of deceit. Moonlighting as educators and disguising their anti-American, anti-Israel sentiments behind phrases like "cultural sensitivity". What happened to the America where we could protest in peace? Instead, we have radical students terrorizing pro-Israel teachers! Is this the "tolerance" they preach? Hypocrites!

I remember the days, boy, when making an honest living and owning property was the American dream. Now, look what we have become. Renovating historic property for $600,000 only to be told you don’t own it? What's next? Are they going to nationalize grills and guns? Over my dead body!

Patriots, hear me out. Our freedom, our sanctity, our VOICE is at stake. We have to fight against this radical leftist globalist conspiracy. Stand your ground! Join your local Moms for Liberty chapter. Arm yourself with knowledge and demonstrate your Second Amendment rights. We survived the Obama years, we can weather the storm this time too. Let's show these Demonrats that we won't go down without a fight!

God Bless America! For God, guns, grills, and MAGA!