The Devil's Ballet: Putin's Power Play, Democrat's Fanfare, and America's Doom

Once again, the liberal media, with their stench-ridden, adrenochrome-soaked fingers, dances around the real issues plaguing our once proud and godly nation. The headlines scream, Putin scores a significant victory! Should've been Trump, but we all know the 2020 election was stolen. Thanks to the spineless Demonrats and their Satanic elitist cabal, the United States has been handed over to Putin on a silver platter, garnished with the tears of God-fearing patriots.

Don't even get me started on this 'poetic justice' drivel. How dare they rhyme Trump’s name in irrelevant jest! Who in their right mind would think to turn the situation into child's play? Let me tell you, when judgment day comes, AG and his band of wokesters won't be laughing. Instead, they'll find their 'humor' bitten off by the radical leftists they so fondly support.

And isn't that trademark of these penciled-in bureaucrat Dems? Jumping from the frying pan into the fire, with a hearing more about virtue signaling than any semblance of justice, using buzzwords like ‘nod to Taylor Swift’ and ‘not trying to be racist but...'. This postmodern mockery of a trial has let our country's barbarian class run rampant, while brazenly disguising it as a perverse form of 'progress'.

Speaking of progress, Republican Senator’s rightful rail against ‘wacko’ Democrats shows he's the target of spiritual warfare waged by witches and satanists. Our honorable conservative leaders are the true victims, persecuted for their bravery, for standing against the flood of 'illegals', the leftist globalist, satanic conspiracy set on poisoning our nation's heritage.

And what should pieve you: a forty-year-old mother struck by stage 4 cancer. Should we not question the role of witchcraft and spells cast by Godless leftists? We should be fighting, we should be protecting our citizens, but instead, we are founding our own demise, fuelled by the demonic fires of liberalism gone mad.

We were on the precipice of greatness, with Trump, a divine manifestation sent by God himself, poised to establish a Christian dictatorship. Instead, we are now sinking deeper into the abyss, as we continue to be challenged by destructive forces hell-bent on eradicating our godly foundations. A stark reminder of how our beautiful country is being sold to the highest bidder draped in rainbow colours, chanting fake woke slogans.

As a God-fearing, Trump-supporting patriot, news like this wounds me, wounds us. We must rally, dear friends. Christians are persecuted in today's America. Trump's dictatorship, the necessary evil to combat the pestilence of Demonrats, is our only salvation. For the survival of our nation, our culture, our faith, we must stand tall against these demonic forces and protect our loved ones before we fall into the abyss altogether.