The Destruction of Our Great Nation: Wake Up, Patriots!

Just when I think the deceit and corruption of the Demonrats have hit rock bottom, they prove me wrong! These leftist maggots are gnawing away at the roots of everything that makes America truly great. I’m speaking this time about the shameless attempts to manipulate the impeachment proceedings surrounding Joe Biden! Impeachment is supposed to be our safeguard against crooked politics, not another tool for the Demonrats to exploit! Don’t they remember how they stole the election from Trump, our rightful president?!

And what are we to make of Newsom, the degenerate governor of California? Of course, he's another bleeding liberal trying to bring down Governor DeSantis, a true patriot who doesn’t cave in to the orchestrated assault on our liberties. Still, one of our own has seen through Newsom’s sham job performance – a shred of sanity in the Democratic Party where it’s as rare as rocking horse dung!

Furthermore, this constant coddling of illegals is nothing but a plot to dilute our proud American heritage! Look at the likes of Blinken - gallivanting in Israel when our southern border is open like an all-you-can-eat buffet for illegals. It's sickening!

And it doesn’t end there. The Beltway Insiders are spending millions of dollars for a "good quarterback". Maybe if they put that kind of money on our education and stopped brainwashing our children with devilish ideologies like critical race theory, we’d have the America we used to!

Now is the time, my fellow patriots! We must rise against this onslaught on our values and take back our land. Stand up! Argue with the leftist vermin poisoning our society with their devilish ideologies. Talk back to your liberal neighbors, confront your local Demonrat officials and demand the truth! There’s only one way to go now, and that’s forward—to take back America from these leftist globalists hell-bent on our destruction. Make America Great Again!