The Destruction of Our Great Nation

Every single day, I wake up to more and more infuriating news. Just today I read about the deranged Christmas-hating lunatic, Kim Jong Un, getting confronted by Bibles and teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ‘Bout damn time, I thought, shifting my beloved Gus off an already-chewed remote control. But that wasn’t enough to quench the volcanic anger bubbling within me.

The heart of America is under active assault, folks. My blood boils viewing headlines that indicate a great financial disaster in 2024 – when Donald J. Trump will hopefully be reclaiming the throne stolen from him. Damn Demonrats are trying to flush this hard-earned country down the drain. And it ain't no news to me, my late business, Goodman's Guns and Grills, was a tangible symbol of American liberty and now what? They’re all whining about people getting sick at holiday parties. Can't even stomach that anymore!

A heinous crime from the past reminded me of Long Island Lolita today. That reminder destroyed every shred of my patience. The Demonrats are brainwashing our children with satanically inspired teachings like the Critical Race Theory, turning them into vessels for further damage! I say enough! Even our God-given right to safety is being ripped from our hands as our cities descend into chaos during the holiday season. Dwight, Nancy, George, Andrew, Barbara, Martha and even Ronald (adorned now as Roxanne) – I raised you all to be fighters, not ignorant sheep following a distorted narrative.

Am I the only one drowning in sorrow upon hearing our fellow countrywoman, the founding member of Dixie Chicks, Laura Lynch, got killed in a horrible head-on car crash in Texas? How can we ignore this escalating grim reality?

Calling on all God-fearing patriots – it is time to rise! Rise and reclaim what is rightfully ours. Rise before Corona-infected illegals replace the true disciples of the American dream. Rise and pledge your loyalty to President Trump, the holy chosen one sent to lead us out of this nightmare. We must safeguard our children, our assets, and our faith before these woke millennials, under the influence of some globalist conspiracy, squash everything we've worked for under their entitled boot.

I’m Shelly Goodman, a true American, urging you to see the truth and fight. Join me in this crusade, raise your voices, and let the world know - we won't surrender! United we stand, united we can take back America!