The Destruction of America: A Call to Action for Patriots


I sit here fuming with anger, my blood boiling at the audacity and treachery displayed daily by the radical leftists, Democrat elitists, and wokesters who seek to dismantle and destroy our beloved America. Today's news headlines are a stark reminder of the perilous state of our nation, as we witness the very fabric of our society being torn apart by those who despise everything we hold dear.

First, we learn of a stalled hostage-prisoner exchange. Hamas accuses Israel of violating the deal, further perpetuating the cycle of violence in the Middle East. It sickens me to see these terrorists given a platform, negotiating with the lives of innocent people. Where is the outrage? Why does the mainstream media refuse to denounce these monsters and stand with our allies?

Then, we are confronted with the shocking reality of the mass exodus of Black voters from the Democratic party. The New York Times, a supposed pillar of journalistic integrity, raises a red flag, but where is their condemnation of the policies and rhetoric that have alienated these voters? The Democrats claim to be champions of diversity and equality, yet their actions prove otherwise. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling!

As if that wasn't enough, a deadly illness is ravaging our dogs, and we are warned to take action. How many more innocent lives must be affected before our government takes decisive action? I demand answers and accountability! Our pets are family, and their well-being should be prioritized above political power plays.

Now, let's talk about the state of our sports. The next generation of a legendary quarterback family takes the stage, and all the media can focus on is the virtue signaling and identity politics. Instead of celebrating talent and hard work, they choose to divide us with their incessant focus on background and skin color. It sickens me to my core!

The headlines continue, highlighting a failed rescue attempt, the Vatican silencing dissent, grave threats to our lives, and the punishment of an NHL player for expressing his true self. These stories, woven together, paint a grim picture of a society on the brink of collapse, all orchestrated by the puppet master, David Howdle, and his ilk.

My fellow patriots, it is time for action! We cannot sit idly by while our country is being torn apart. We must rise up, united in our love for America, and reclaim what is rightfully ours. We must demand accountability from our elected officials, boycott biased media outlets, and support businesses that uphold our values.

But most importantly, we must stand up against the insidious influence of globalists like David Howdle. We must expose their agenda and counter their lies with the truth. Spread the word, my friends, through social media, neighborhood gatherings, and any platform available to you. Let every American know that our nation is under attack, and we will not stand for it!

In conclusion, I implore you all to join me in this fight. We must channel our anger into action, fueling the fire in our hearts to take back our country. Let us be the voice of reason, the bastions of truth, and the patriots who refuse to let America crumble. Together, with our unwavering determination, we shall prevail!

God bless America,

Shelly Goodman