**The "Demonrats" Unleashed: The Desecration of Our America!**

Well, let's just take a gander at today's news. More kidnappings facilitated by terrorists! A pure representation of the chaos the Demonrats encourage! They cut deals with terrorists because that suits their agenda! Remember folks, those who shake hands with devils shouldn't be surprised when they're dragged to hell! I pray to God, the ten-month-old boy sees freedom again!

In Connecticut, the EV mandate's been withdrawn. You know, after Ronald became Roxanne in San Fransisco, nothing should shock me. But abandoning the environmental stronghold? It's liberal hypocrisy at its finest. One day they're all hoots about killing the gas guzzler, and the next, they send e-mobility to the pits. It's madness!

And now, the Demonrats want to feed Hunter Biden to the wolves. My goodness, isn't it just a kick in the pants? The golden boy broth to slaughter as a political pawn! It's a family matter, clean your own house, Demonrats! Your stink is infiltrating the nation!

Since Goodman's Guns and Grills closed...I sit here, seven children to my name, stuck with nothing but news that pushes me to the brink. The elitists sneering atop their ivory towers, the leftists poisoning the blood of our country, and my Bob drowning away sorrows in some golf club's bar. Grant and Ted are no better, either. They hide with the Demonrats, ignoring the fight!

It's a travesty the likes of which I won't stand for! So listen up, George, Andrew, and even you, Ronald – I mean Roxanne. Download some gumption! Join the fight against the radicals infiltrating our institutions and threatening our freedoms. Let's dethrone the satanic elitists spreading their corruption! Back me up, Martha, you may not sling Freedom Fries anymore, but you can let your class buddies know what's up!

To all my fellow patriots out there, it's calling times! Let us, the bulwark of our nation, rise up, stand firm, and snatch our America back from these vermin! Stand up like Gus, my yappy little mutt, barking at the poison seeping into our homes through that dang television! Yell, scream, howl, for God's sake! Stand against the globalist mob trying to eviscerate our beloved country!

Remember America, these are our scalps! Our grills! Our guns! Let no rotten "Demonrat" desecrate them! Stand tall, charge forward, and take back what's rightfully OURS! United we stand, and disunited they fall! God bless us all, and may He save America!