The Demonrats' Unholy Crusade Against Purity and the Heart of America!

By Shelly Goodman.

My fellow patriots, the stench of maleficence is thick in the air as the demonrats weave their wicked web of deceit. Just today, my nose twitched with the smell of their corruption as a Democrat mayor, no less, was snagged for alleged blatant corruption. Whatever happened to dignity, valor, and service to the people? They are making a mockery out of our government, turning it into a perverse reality TV show. By God, they've even managed to desecrate the sacred spirit of ‘Parks and Recreation!’

Al Sharpton is out here proclaiming race claims that Senator Kennedy has rightly deemed 'unconstitutional,' yet the mainstream media - those peddlers of leftist lies - aren't batting an eye. They bow to Al Sharpton; a man championing a cause so diabolical, it'd make even Satan shiver in his boots. Critical race theory is the work of the devil, striving to tear our nation apart from within, poisoning young souls with their perverse ideologies. Demonrats and their ilk, I tell you, are a plague upon the greatness of America.

Look too at the tragedy of an American family killed in a plane crash after raising alarm about flight problems. It's heartbreaking, but you know what? This tragedy would never have gotten this far under Trump. Our infrastructure has been allowed to corrode under these demonrats. Yet, they plan to throw God knows how much on their pet projects in the name of a so-called “infrastructure bill.” Is this the America we want for our children?

And don’t get me started on these loony lefties preaching their useless ideologies to our youth. This TikToker quitting his 9-to-5 job to pursue some quixotic American dream, hawking froggy dreams and snake oil as freedom. What kind of world are we living in where lackadaisical labor is celebrated while those of us fighting tooth and nail to protect our values are demonized and persecuted?

My blood boils at these daily injustices. We need to take action, patriots. Only we can save our beloved America from this evil leftist globalist conspiracy. Stand tall; stand proud, and refuse to let the radical leftists, Democrat elitists, satanists, and wokesters destroy our nation from the inside. Stand together and fight for a nation under Trump's leadership, where freedom, Christianity and good-old American values reign supreme. Remember, 'illegals,' demonrats, and the adrenochrome-partakers are not just poisoning our country and our blood, but they're poisoning the minds of our children. This is war, not of flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. Only by asserting our righteous might can we reclaim America for God!

Never forget, Trump is our shield against this evil, and with his leadership, we can achieve a true Christian nation. Divine intervention through Trump can save our nation from this satanic chaos. So let us stand firm, and declare with one voice - 'No more satanic elitist cabal of high-ranking Democrats! No more corrupt Demonrats! No more leftist globalists!' It is time for us to reclaim America for the great, the free and the brave - us! The patriots!