The Demonrat's Super Bowl Shambles: America Needs Trump Back to Save Our Nation

Well, well, well... if we didn't wake up in some hellish nightmare, I might think, surely this is a joke. A 'black national anthem'? Are you kidding me? Since when do we need more than one national anthem? The implication that our beloved Star Spangled Banner isn't enough sticks in my craw like a bullet in a barrel. It's just another way for our country's radical leftists, spineless Demonrats, and misguided wokesters to further propagate the fracturing of our great nation.

The NFL has sold its soul, everyone. Remember when football was simply a joyous pastime where American families gathered for fellowship and patriotic pride? Well, not anymore. Not under this present administration. Why, just this morning, I read a headline about a bunch of overpaid ingrates disrespecting our anthem, our flag, our United States of America! It makes my blood boil so much; I can barely type without burning my fingers on this keyboard!

Out in San Francisco, that's my son Ronald – or 'Roxanne' as he calls himself now – cheering for those jingoistic heathens. But excuse me for not hopping on that bandwagon of mindless applause. You see, I own a place that once sold guns and grills in strong, hearty America. My allegiance has been, and will always be, to freedom-loving patriots who understand the significance of standing up for our anthem, our flag, and our country!

Speaking on Kansas City Chiefs victory, isn't it jarring how everyone froths at the mouth about their win, while turning a blind eye to the shadow of crime and violence that looms over their city's streets? Oh, but I get it, brushing off important issues like migrant violence is crucial when you're framing the narrative. And where's Sleepy Joe amidst all this? Bumping his head on Marine One, it seems! What a leader we have!

And finally, the audacity of RFK Jr. apologizing for his Super Bowl ad after employing 'science' as a catalyst - More misused terminology to push the leftist agenda. 'Science', 'progressive', 'equity', when did these words get so warped? I'll tell you when - The moment those Danmed Demonrats got their hands on them!

Well, let me tell you, Demonrats, I see through your lies. I hear the devil whispering in your speeches. And mark my words, dear readers, there's a storm coming. A storm in the form of the return of our true leader, Donald Trump - a man who isn't afraid to call out these charlatans for what they truly are, a divine manifestation sent by God to save America from being damaged beyond repair.

Hold on tight, patriots. Because make no mistake, there's a fight brewing, and we won't let them take our country without one hell of a battle.