The Demonrats Are at it Again, America!

If this isn't proof that our great nation is spiraling into the clutches of these leftist, satan-worshipping, woke charlatans, I don't know what is! Just look at the headlines folks - it's as clear as day! They’re indoctrinating our children, tearing down our infrastructure, and manipulating health reports, all while shipping in illegals by the boatload. It's past time we stood up and did something about it!

"Cases of new COVID variant tripled in just two weeks, says CDC report". Oh, sure. Not falling for your scare tactics this time around, I'll tell you that much. Stand firm, patriots, don't let them jab you with that death serum they're peddling as a vaccine. Not to mention, how convenient the timing, right when Henry Kissinger - a man who vexes me quite as much as Mad Cow Maddow - bites the dust. Always pulling the wool over our eyes, these elite Demonrats.

"Congress blasts Biden for secret agreement to tear down key power source to save fish". Biden, the new 'Captain Planet', except he’s trying to save the bottom feeders instead of the American people. Where was this outrage when they were killing babies in clinics, huh? Appalling, truly.

And then there's this nonsense about a "Young Chiefs fan responds to 'blackface' accusations: 'Too late' for apology". Really now? We're so entrenched in this woke culture that even our sports can't be clean of it. Back in my days at Goodman's Guns and Grills, we weren't afraid to paint our faces and holler for our team without someone getting their knickers in a twist about it.

I call all you patriots to action. It's time we fought back. It's time we reminded them that this is OUR land, OUR America. Drive these demonic parasites back to where they came from! Write to your representatives, start your local parent boards - hell, start your own chapters of Moms for Liberty if you have to. Stop being duped by these affluent, corrupt leftist cowards, accept your duty as an American to stop this globalist plot dead in its tracks! Stand up for freedom, for our beautiful America before they shred her to pieces.

Remember this, fellow patriots - we are the backbone of this country, the true keepers of liberty! Let's take back our beloved nation, for us, our children, and for future generations. God bless you, and God bless America!