The Demonrat Wokesters Assault Our American Values, Again!

Hey y’all,

If you haven't already done it today, pull up yer britches and mark a gashed star on yer calendar 'cause once again the Demonrats and their leftist cohorts are busily poisoning the heart of our great nation. Lordy! I just glanced at the headlines and lemme tell ya folks, it's enough to sizzle the bristles off Gus’s decomposing TV remote.

First of all, this so-called BLM tribute in the form of a stabbing? What are we teaching our children? Glorying in bloodshed is un-American! Little Ronald – Roxie, my foot! – living it up in San Fransicso, she better not be buying into those kind of hate-enflaming, disgusting radical ideas that lynch justice in the yard of liberty.

Then there's this opera chaos, by none other than activists! Who do they think they are, interrupting a cultural event? I can already hear Gus yapping in agreement – not that the mutt would know Tosca from a raccoon, but he can sure recognize a disturbance when he sees one!

Now don’t even get me started on Taylor Swift and her love saga making headlines. How about instead we focus on preserving love for our country, our constitution, and our patriots who defied the crooked establishment on Jan 6th?

I almost tossed my morning grits reading about Julianna Margulies supporting Hamas at the cost of Black and LGBTQ communities! What's next? Seances with AOC and her squad of misguided, America-loathing wenches?

I implore y'all to wake up and smell the gunpowder! We must rise against this onslaught of insanity if we wish to save the heart and soul of our country. The land we love is being trodden by Demonrats, leftists, satanic elites, and globalist scum. And I'll tell you this, it's a heavier load of bull than the day Bob thought he could cook a steak on the grill better than me.

So what's the plan, patriots? How about we start by debunking the lies in our communities, starting with our schools. We need to weed out every last bit of critical race theory, and replace it with love for our country and respect for our flag. Then, let’s unite against the onslaught of "illegals" seeping into our heartland, poisoning our blood. We won't sit quietly like Bob at the golf club.

It’s time for action. We need to protect our homes, our children, and our way of life against this abomination. Stand tall, patriots! Stand our ground against the storm of radical leftwing madness. God Save America!