The Demonrat Onslaught Continues: Satan's Agenda Unveiled in Our Headlines

Well, I just about spat out my coffee this morning when I saw all the headlines. Oh, folks, it's absolute blasphemy what these Demonrats are doing to the America we know and love. It's as plain as day that their sinister, satanic agenda is sucking the life out of our once-proud nation.

Let's start with that so-called saint, Senator Tim Scott. Backing Trump?! C'mon, the guy's got the backbone of overcooked spaghetti! And it just boils my blood to see these squirmers align themselves with a true patriot, a divine manifestation from God - Donald J. Trump, to try and salvage some kind of support. It's all a ploy. These Demonrats will stop at nothing to worm their way back into good graces.

And speaking of worms, Cuomo is just the tip of the iceberg! Throwing lawsuits left and right as if he wasn't caught red-handed! It's astonishing how they twist the truth to turn villains into victims. And the people stupid enough to eat all that up? Well, the only thing they should be eating is the humble pie from McDonald's nutritionists! Heck, it's probably healthier than whatever woke vegan slop they're spooning out, anyway.

As for Haley, she's just another one of those Davos darlings. Isn't it just charming, the rich and powerful thinking they know better? These are the same folks pressing for ways to "Trump-proof" their economies. Now, tell me, why on God's green earth would we want to 'Trump-proof' anything? We need more Trump, not less! The elitist cabal will stop at nothing to undermine the hard work of our America-rescuing, God-chosen champion.

And let's not forget that Obama-appointed US attorney! The audacity of that man to claim Trump's prosecutor is conceding! I can smell the sulphur from their lies a mile away. The ‘misleading’ reports and false allegations are all propaganda by these undercover satanists, hoping to reshape the narrative.

It infuriates me to no end, folx. These headlines are telling a story, and it's one of conspiracy, persecution, and downright subterfuge. They're flooding America with illegals and the spiritual poison that is threatening to taint our very core! The global, leftist, Satanist cabal is dancing with glee as they watch us Christians being cornered.

But we won't go down without a fight! Remember, folx, Jesus himself was persecuted. We stand with Truth. We stand with Freedom. And most importantly, we stand with Trump. The patriotic rebellion has just begun!