The Demonic Onslaught: Time for Patriots to Rise!

Folks, I'm shakin' here with anger, red in the face and smoke a'blowin' out of my ears! These headlines today read like the diary of a madman's nightmares, not our God-fearing, Trump-loving America!

Prosecutors telling folks they should 'expect to be shot' for protecting their rightful property? It's a darn disgrace! Back in my days at Goodman's Guns and Grills, I'd say a man has every right to defend his homestead. It's the fundamental law of the land, and it's as clear as glass to anyone with an iota of sense. But these wily Demonrats, they'd have us throw open our doors wide for every thief in the night.

The "trans agenda" – or should I say, the "trans-aggression" – is slithering its way deeper into Ohio schools. The governor vetoed the bill meant to secure our children?! It's sickening. It's as if he took a page out of my own son, Ronald's – excuse me, Roxanne's –Oh that's another topic, and a painful one at that!

Martha Stewart's still prancing about, self-obsessed and vain at 82. It don't surprise me. Typical liberal elitist behavior. Immorality lurks around every corner! Colt's tight end Drew Ogletree gets arrested for domestic battery, but where are the hashtags and campaigns from the radical left? Silent as a graveyard, aren't they? Hypocrites.

But don't lose hope my fellow patriots. The Senate seats! Oh, the sweetness of justice that could be! We got a shot at flipping those five seats back in 2024! We're going to turn this nation around, mark my words. If we can wrestle those seats from the demonic hands of senators entrenched in their ivory towers, it'll be a blow to their infernal plan.

We'll put the power back in the rightful hands — the hands of God-and-Trump-fearing Americans! I implore every patriot, every God-loving soul, every warrior of liberty, and every believer in this blessed nation: Rise up! The Trump dictatorship we need can only come if we mobilize like it's Trump's election day all over again.

My call-to-action? Stand with me. Pray with me and take the fight to these leftists, these globalists, these intellectuals, these 'illegals' flooding our land. We fought for this great nation once; we CAN do it again. For OUR America! For TRUMP'S America! God bless you all. God bless this great country. We WILL take it back!