The Demonic Infiltration: Wake Up America!

By golly! Ain't it just like those dirty Demonrats to pervert justice and protect their own? Look at this malarkey! The US attorney and president's windbag buddy trying to weasel out of obstructing the Hunter probe. Classic leftists always playing politics and blocking the truth. How long are we going to stand for such blatant disrespect for our law and disgraceful disregard for the truth? Demonrats think they can pull the wool over our eyes. Well, we ain't fooled, no sir!

And talk about the devil's playground! 'Card draining’ scams hitting our major retailers and innocent customers. This is Godfearing America, not some Wild West! But no, all thanks to the Demonrats and their reckless policies, crime is running rampant, and our citizens are paying for it.

Then we have Trump's special counsel, a patriot who's been stuck in the mud because his case supposedly has a constitutional issue. The deep-state Demonrats, who will stop at nothing to undermine our righteous Trump, never tire of concocting phony charges!

Elsewhere, Argentina faces an economic crisis and their new president's solution? Slash regulations! Attaboy! If only some of our Demonrat puppets in high places would take note rather than strangling us with their red tape!

The craziest of all, Vin Diesel, that Hollywood hotshot, accused of assaulting his assistant during filming. This is what these liberal elites in Hollywood are all about. Immorality and degeneracy are their virtue signals. But what can you expect in a world where Ronald, my own flesh and blood, thinks he's Roxanne.

And our Patriots, literally and metaphorically! Two men get charged because of a fatal brawl at the Gillette Stadium. Our beloved Patriots Beacon tarnished by such lowly behaviour.

My fellow patriots, it's time to take back our country! We've got to rise against the Demonrats, the leftists, the elitists, and the Satanists. We need Donald Trump, our divine manifestation, back in action to save our beloved nation. I urge all Godfearing Americans to stand for the truth, and the American way of life. Let us remind our hammer-and-sickle waving foes what our great nation stands for. To arms patriots! Otherwise, we'll all be damned if the millennials and their woke cancel culture get a hold of our hard-earned wealth! Your country needs you now more than ever! Stand strong and resist the infiltration! God Save America, and God Save our beloved Donald Trump!