The Demonic Destruction of Our Beloved America - It's Time to Fight Back!

As a stand-up American patriot, I roil with indignation to my very core upon reading the daily headlines. From ATF proposals that threaten the freedom of law-abiding gun owners to the audible silence from the Demonrats when it comes to the towering threat posed by Iran, it's enough to send my blood boiling over. As a proud former owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills, I cannot - will not - stand idly while these bastards infringe upon our second amendment rights. Let me tell you, patriots, we did not fight for this nation only to have our right to bear arms slip through our fingers on the watch of these sly, ambitious Harvard elites!

We all remember the day when America held a firm stand against evil, when Israel's fight was our fight, and we stood shoulder to shoulder against our enemies. But today, lo and behold, dear old Joe Biden and his cronies are more interested in renewing a nuclear deal with Iran! Give me a break! I shiver at the thought of what demonic energies these leftist, globalist, Ivy League elitists are inviting into our sacred land.

Speaking about demonic, let me tell you about dear Nancy. Nancy, my own flesh and blood, is now overrun with a demon! Agitated and rambling in Latin and Aramaic, her body levitating - a scene straight outta Linda Blair's playset. Now, you tell me, patriots, isn't it peculiar that these demonic episodes coincided with the unleashed leftist evil in my once serene Florida? Isn't it enough proof that their satanic worship has found manifestation in my daughter?

These same leftists, under the umbrella of 'woke', are throwing our culture, our norms to the dogs; even traditional NFL announcers can't escape the wrath of their oppressive cancel culture. Yet, they applaud Mark Wahlberg, a star of their perverse 'Hollyweird,' for wreaking havoc at a frat party. What kind of double standards are these?

As conservatives, it's high time we see the charade for what it is. The deceit, the lies, the manipulation - it ends here! We need to rally together. We need to defend our freedom, the future of America, and the righteousness in her core. Stand with me, patriots! Overthrow the satanic elites, the globalist puppets, and reclaim our beautiful homeland. Stand for our children, our rights, and the very soul of America. It's late in the hour, but it's still not too late!

God bless you, and God bless America. May He rid Nancy of this evil and our land of these demonic Demonrats!