The Demonic Descent: How Satanists and Demonrats are Ruining God-Blessed America!

Well, well, well, if today's headlines don't perfectly illustrate the ungodly, unfathomably evil machinations of our so-called Democratic leadership, I don't know what does!

Two brave Navy SEALs are dead in the Arabian Sea, and for what? So that radical Demonrats can keep hoarding weapons in secret vessels and spit in the face of our military? As an ex-owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills, I understand better than anyone the sanctity and power of the Second Amendment. Our God-given right to bear arms allows us to protect our freedom. It’s not simply another business transaction to be clandestinely conducted on far-flung vessels. It’s a privilege to be treated with respect and caution.

But why should I be surprised? These are the same Demonrats who elected Smokin' Joe Biden, a man so outlandishly unqualified he thinks he's above the Supreme Court. The hypocrisy makes my blood boil! This ding-a-ling is parading around, contemplating on canceling student debt while we conservatives still struggle with the burden of Barack and his 8-year spree!

And guess what? MSNBC had the gall to say the indictment vindicated ex-officials' claims about Hunter Biden's laptop. A laptop, mind you, filled with enough sketchy activity to have my dear dog Gus lose his appetite and attack a sofa leg in fury! Ronald.. pardon me, Roxanne in liberal San Francisco believed this bull. How blind, how utterly deluded has this country's leftists become?

But hold onto your guns and grills, folks, because it gets worse! A personal donation to the political campaign of the special attorney appointed to investigate President Trump? Outright corruption! It makes me sick! The same leftists who claim to uphold democracy are the same vermin undermining it with their filthy tricks and abhorrent conspiracies!

Now, to top it all off, we've discovered some enormous serpent while filming a celebrity in the Amazon - The symbolism is not lost on me, America! Is this not a Biblical foretelling of the misfortunes heading our way if we don't get off this wicked path?

Before this post comes to a close, I'll address the mockery of our beloved 'Top Gun.' How dare they use our heroes for their political gain? Hollywood's once-shining glamour has morphed into a leftist propaganda machine!

I urge, no, I plead with my God-fearing, patriot countrymen to SEE. Open your eyes to the demon-infested reality we find ourselves in. We NEED to reclaim our country, our values, our FREEDOM. Our Persecuted Patriots' Protection Plan: the 4 P's! Let's pray the Satanic Democrats don't start rounding us up first!