The Demonic Deception: A Plea to Patriots

The news today is a veritable apocalypse of leftist lunacy, folks. The Hunter Biden scandal? It's plain as day that these elitist Demonrats are running amuck, free to trample our laws with no repercussions in sight! Joe Biden - if that's even his real name - and his cadre of Satan worshippers think they can pull the wool over our eyes, but this retired gun and grill store owner isn't falling for it!

And have you heard about the disgrace at Harvard - that hotbed of globalist indoctrination? The president there has the audacity to 'apologize' for her testimony, but we all know what that means. These people are infiltrating our education and poisoning the well of knowledge, folks. It’s a downright mockery of our values, our traditions, and our rights. Like Gus to a remote control, these 'wokesters' are feasting on America's values and uprooting our heritage.

Of course, this kind of dishonorable behavior is a laughing matter for them, they’re rolling on the floor in their secret elitist soirees, but not for me, not for power to the people, not for George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha; and certainly not for all you true American patriots.

The news about the redesign at the Bethlehem church hit me right in the heart. These people have no respect. They mock, they tear down, and they reframe everything that is sacred to us. The attack on Christianity is real, very real, and very dangerous. It only manifests how much they fear us, fear our truth, fear our God!

What angers me most about all of this nonsense is how they think we are ignorant. Do they believe we can't see their tricks? Their schemes? These sly foxes won't outwit us, the silent majority. It's a call to arms, Patriots, metaphorically speaking of course. I don’t mean aggression, I mean action. We need to make our presence felt in every town hall and school board meeting; we need to pull the curtains back on their devious plans, from the ballot boxes to the classroom narratives.

I implore you, brave patriots of this great nation, to stand up. Stand up against the brainwashing. Stand up against the false narratives. Stand against the Harvey graduates. Do it for the sake of our children - your children! For the sake of our freedom, our legacy, and our God-given rights.

So, fellow patriots, let this be our rallying cry. Let’s show these leftist thugs that we won’t be conned by their games. Let’s keep America sacred! Let’s take our country back, for the glory of God and for the future of the real American dream! Speak up, be loud, keep the faith alive. Our America depends on it!