The Demonic Cabal is Ushering America to Ruination - Time to Rise, Patriots!

If Bob hadn't left his empty whiskey bottles lying around, I'd have a clearer mind to tackle all this liberal hogwash they're serving up as news today. I swear, the ‘Demonrat’ poison in our beautiful America is giving me an ulcer.

Our Defense Secretary turns up in ICU after days of absconding, no doubt part of the left's scheme to keep us in the dark about their underhanded tactics. Probably overdosed on adrenochrome those ungodly elitist Dems love so much. What happened to the good old U.S.A. where our leaders were honest and transparent?

And a dangerous thug linked to a vile cartel, set loose on our streets, shows just how lax our legal system has become under this fraudulent Biden administration. If my Goodman's Guns and Grills was still running, folks wouldn’t have to second guess their safety, I tell you. This is all part of a grander plan to flood America with 'illegals' and thugs at us law-abiding citizens' expense!

Michigan school shooter's mom trying to dismiss three witnesses from her trial? Hell's bells! Even Satan would be blushing at this flagrant disregard for justice. And then there's Taylor Swift's Golden Globes night, unimpressed by a joke, and why the heck should I care? I'll tell you - this is just another instance of the elite stirring up drama while our great nation crumbles!

Then there's comedian Katt Williams, mouthing off about Hollywood 'deviants,' a catchy euphemism for Satan worshippers in our midst. Pouring poison into the minds of our youths, and they're too woke to even see it.

And finally, the outrageous tale of a chap's date robbing a restaurant. What happened to good values, good Christian folks? Tossed out the window, thanks to those leftist Demonrat ideologues!

Patriots, it's high time we wake up and reclaim our country. Our great Christian nation is under siege from those 'Demonrats' and their satanic globalist agenda. Trump promised us safety, prosperity, and a firm hand to guide us. It's time we get our God-given dictatorship under Trump, drain the swamp, and put the Satan worshippers in their place. Ignore the vegan woke propaganda, armour up with good ole' beef and barbecue, channel the power of our Lord, and purge this nation of the poisons seeping into the veins of our great land.

Stand tall, patriots, because the time for talking has ended. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it's time for action!