The Deceitful Drums of the Fox News Far-Right Propaganda Machine

In this time of escalating societal uncertainty and increasing divisiveness, it is crucial to remain aware, informed and discerning. As a reformed discriminator, formerly entrapped in the throes of blind favoritism and ignorant bigotry, I feel an undeniable duty to emphasize the blatant misinformation disseminated by channels such as Fox News. Under the guise of 'fair' and 'balanced' reporting, they partake daily in weaving a dense shroud of far-right Christo-fascist propaganda, aimed unwaveringly at establishing an oppressive and exclusionary American theocracy.

Just the other day, another round of headlines caught my attention. "Late-night host says that Trump leading Biden in new polls 'just gives me a headache'" might seem inconsequential at first glance. But isn't it a clear attempt to downplay the adverse effects of Trump's reign, making it seem far less dire than it truly is, while also subtly ridiculing the apparent discomfort of anyone opposing him?

Similarly, the line 'Popular Black morning radio host rips DEI efforts in the workplace' is yet another façade providing a veiled attempt to undermine the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. By pinpointing the rare dissenting voices, they project an inaccurate image of overall skepticism, thereby trying to delegitimize a just and inclusive society.

Where most outrageous is the dangerous, underlying sentiment of fear these headlines promote. The steady demonization of immigrants, for instance, as evidenced in the headline 'NYC mayor brags about city's handling of migrants, offers Texas gov free stay at shelter'. Not only mocking those in dire need but also the compassionate entities receiving them. This pushes the inflammatory notion of 'us versus them', the very seed compelling the hateful Christian-nationalists towards unwarranted hostility.

The scariest part? Fox News grotesquely garnishes these narratives with a warped sense of patriotism and righteousness, creating the terrifying illusion of a noble crusade. This manipulative portrayal of ideas is nothing short of an attempt to establish a theocracy, a rule handed to wealthy, self-serving demagogues, a regime likely to transform into an oppressive dystopia where marginalized communities like our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, and anyone perceived as 'the other', are on the line.

Fox News, as with other similar platforms, is not in the business of broadcasting truth, facts, or reality. Rather, they specialize in fanning the flames of division and fear. It's time we called out these organizations for what they truly are—a propaganda machine sedulously working to create a dystopian society where empathy and equity are scarce, and hate and division are the order of the day.

My hope is that those remnant vestiges of my former self among you will, as I did, have your 'Road to Damascus' moment. Come to realize the real devastation sown by this far-right evangelical, nationalist narrative. You don't have to embrace my newfound Satanism nor follow me into my conversion's darkness, only internalize the importance of being empathetic, tolerant, and compassionate towards our fellow human beings, regardless of their beliefs, religion, gender identity, or where they come from.