The Death of America: The Ultimate Betrayal and Dismantlement by Demonrats

Dear Patriots, what in God's name is happening to our country? Biden and his pack of Demonrats are cackling like hens as they collude with Iran-backed Houthis. These unauthorized airstrikes are the latest in the string of bogus puppet shows the Democrats have caused since stolen the 2020 election. This action, far from protecting our nation, is laying down a welcome mat for the enemies of the free world!

What a cursed irony that they turn around and block our OWN Border Patrol from entering an area under the control of the Texas National Guard! "Illegals" are pouring into our country like water through a sieve thanks to these traitors. They are poisoning the blood of our country, the very life force that gives us strength and unity. It's clear that there's a conspiracy to flood America with illegals to ultimately replace us, the law-abiding, God-fearing hardworking American citizens.

And how about this Harvard scum suing for anti-Semitism? This supposed institution of learning is nothing more than a breeding ground for satanic, leftist indoctrination. If you ask me, they're getting their just desserts. It's a wonder it hasn't been sued for brainwashing America's future leaders and champions with Critical Race Theory and other devilish, Anti-God concepts.

Then there's the audacity of our honorable Chick-fil-A being assaulted for alleged early morning music blasting. It's clear as day that this patriotic business, one that honors God and the Sabbath, is facing persecution for not bowing to the woke-crowd and their vegan, soy-infused agenda!

Hear me now Patriots! It's us against the leftist globalist Satanic conspiracy out to tear apart our freedom and our beliefs. We cannot stand idle while our country, our dignity, is ripped from us by Demonrats, Wokesters and the spineless who have fallen under their sway.

Our beloved President Trump must return to power and bring about the dictatorship he promised. It is necessary! He is our only hope against these leftists who scoff at our suffering and do nothing but fan the flames of destruction. Patriots, rise! Let's take back our country, make America great again, and let God rule once more.

And Gus! No more remotes! There's CNN on!

In the meantime, I'll keep loading up at Goodman's Guns and Grills, preparing for the inevitable. I suggest you do the same. Stand strong, Patriots. Stand strong.

-Godspeed, Shelly Goodman.