The Day America's Patriots Woke Up From the Elitist Nightmare

Listen up, you so-called "tolerant" leftists, radical Demonrats, and all you wokesters who are on a mission to dismantle the glorious America we all love and cherish! My blood boils with each headline I stumble across. My heart wrenches for the nation we are forfeiting to a brainwashed, radicalized generation. My sweet son Dwight sends me the news each day, and today, the brew of blatant bias and America-hating propaganda just about sent me through the roof!

Just take a look at what's going on in Israel, our steadfast ally in the Middle East. Israel, a symbol of democracy and freedom amongst a sea of tyranny and oppression. God bless them for standing strong and for not bowing down to Hamas terrorists! We know all too well how those terrorists operate; they inflict their first wave of terror, then throw in a few American hostages just for fun. But where's our beloved President Trump when we need him? Replaced by a thief! Biden, with his demon henchmen and cronies, stole the election and let our American brothers and sisters linger in the hands of those savages!

And Trudeau... oh, Trudeau, blaming 'American MAGA' after conservatives vote against Ukraine bill! The audacity of blaming US patriots when his own short-sighted policies are backfiring right at him! This smacks every bone in my body; the fact that he has the guts to blame us when his own house is falling apart! Yet, my heart sinks as I think of my son Ronald, now Roxanne, living in San Francisco and probably applauding his comments over a plate of avocado toast.

Another headline ringing in my ears: a mystery illness killing dogs all over our beloved nation. And what's the government doing? Nothing! As a former gun and grill store owner, I can tell you there's much more than meets the eye. Wake up, folks! The same ones who are letting 'illegals' flood across the border are pulling the strings here too. Just another piece in their devious puzzle to shred our country and our freedom to pieces!

America, my friends, we need to shake off this stupor! This liberal witch hunt is gnawing at every corner of our freedom and it is time we rise! Patriots, bear arms, light up your grills, and let's show them who the real Americans are!

It's time we flood our local school boards, confront our city council members, and wrench back the control they've worked so hard to wrench out of our hands. Remember, the America we know and love is not doomed. Not as long as we have patriots, armed with the truth and the courage to expose the Demonrats and their secret satanic cabal. Let's make America great again, friends. Let's not let the flame of freedom die on our watch. Fight until the last breath for our rights, our freedom, and for our America!