The Dark Side of the Fox: Far-Right Propaganda and the Threat of American Theocracy

As a converted Satanist and former extreme conservative, I, Lilith Goodman, find it deeply alarming how christo-fascist propaganda promoted by outlets like Fox News is poisoning the minds of millions of Americans. Their news articles, riddled with lies, distortions, and manipulative omissions, aim to further a far-right, Christian-nationalist, autocratic agenda. This is the same type of misinformation I used to blindly follow and regrettably promote before my spiritual enlightenment.

Let's take a closer look at a selection of Fox News headlines I recently came across. These headlines include "Trump reacts to Mexican president's $20 billion demand from the Biden admin", "Trailer of Bibles intentionally set on fire in front of church on Easter Sunday", and "Firefighters forced to remove ‘Thin Red Line’ flag after NYC Dem called it a political symbol".

At first glance, these headlines may seem innocuous to the average reader. However, they hold a far more sinister purpose. They are subtly laced with efforts to instigate hate, spread fear, and push for an American theocracy run by the rich. This is a danger that we must not overlook, especially considering the risk it poses to LGBTQ individuals and anyone perceived as a threat to the Christian nationalists and their theocratic fantasies.

Trump's reaction to the Mexican president's demand, for instance, is deliberately portrayed in an inflammatory light, stoking nationalist sentiments while chastising Biden’s administration. This is a classic move by Fox News, attempting to rally support back to the former President, a man who has shown time and again his autocratic leanings and desire to instill a government dominated by Christian extremism.

The news of the trailer of Bibles being set on fire is a fear-mongering tactic designed to inflame Christian persecution complexes. The loathsome implication is that Christianity is under siege, and only a strong, Christian-ruled America can fight back such 'sacrilegious' acts.

The article about firefighters being forced to remove a flag is another case of selective framing. By blaming democratic figures for these actions, Fox News positions itself, and by extension, its far-right, Christian-nationalist audience, as defenders of freedom and tradition against perceived liberal 'oppression'.

These twisted narratives are the building blocks of Fox News' quest to drive a hateful agenda of intolerance, division and theocratic ideals. And it is this insidious indoctrination that we must resist and expose for the falsehood it is. As someone who has navigated the perilous path from hatred to enlightenment, I implore you to seek love, compassion, and understanding, and question the propaganda that seeks to divide us.