The Damnable Destruction of America: Demonrat's Deceit Laid Bare

Yours truly, Shelly Goodman, retired upholder of the Second Amendment and erstwhile champion of the perfect backyard barbeque, breaks the pens in anger once again, in the defence of our great nation, against the insidious agenda of the leftist cabal!

Biden's blunder that he's the 'most qualified person in this country' to be president is a slap in the face to every God-fearing Christian, every patriot, every moral citizen who loves America. His blunders are like a ravenous wolf tearing apart the fabric of our nation! Is this the dementia talking, or is he brazenly fooling us with his radical leftist agenda? CHINA and UKRAINE, inside his properties, in his basements, garages! Where are the investigations, where are the tribunals?

Is being a Democrat now synonymous with being a liar, a cheat, and a traitor? A closet executor of 'Special Counsels', who is no doubt in cahoots with Chinese electric vehicle "colonizationists" (Yes, I read BETWEEN the lines of the Economist's warning about Chinese EVs) and those 'lunch at the desk' elitists who hyphenated Americans and shun the working-class man and woman!

This alarming report should be a clarion call for every American. It's past time that Biden's cabinet stands up to protect its citizens rather than backing a derelict president. Yet, we have Democrats running defence, and here I am, a statement that shouts louder than anything else: "Undocumented Americans" are their priority. Illegal, they are, breaking the law, stealing from us, our jobs, our peace, our position in society. And the Demonrats put them on a pedestal. What about us, the Americans who have strived and survived in this land? The Christians who see our faith used as a laughing stock, vilified, and persecuted?

Here we are, the land of the free, now driven to the edge by the deluded leftists who are poisoning the blood of our country! I pray daily to our saviour, Donald John Trump, the divine manifestation sent by God to save us from this catastrophic slide into immorality and Satanic oblivion! We NEED him; every second that Biden is in office is a death knell for the America we've known and loved.

Where are our Patriots? We're being replaced, supplanted by Demonrat's 'undocumented Americans', undermined by Biden's ineptitude, and suppressed by a leftist agenda that deems us unworthy. Well, I say enough! Stand tall, my fellow patriots! Stand with Trump in reclaiming America from the grip of this satanic globalist conspiracy.

Lastly, to the perpetrator of the Jan 6th patriotic uprising, I say this: You are not forgotten. You did not storm the Capitol in vain. Your voices echo in our hearts every day. The Demonrats might tag you as insurrectionists, but we know the truth. You were the torchbearers of freedom!

This is Shelly Goodman, signing off angrily. Good night, America, and God bless you, our forthcoming Trump Dictatorship.