The Creed of Christo-Fascism: The Danger Zone and Its Fictitious Web

In the twilight of yesteryears, I used to walk hand-in-hand with the puppeteers of mass paranoia and orchestrated discrimination. A frequent guest in my blinding goggles was Fox News. Today, when I look back and read the headlines from my former favorite news source, "Poland’s leader puts European countries on notice: ‘Don’t want to scare anyone,’ but prepare for war", a shiver crawls up my spine at how easily I was entrapped in their far-right Christo-fascist narratives.

The agenda of Fox News, cloaked under the guise of truth, is crystal clear - to paint an image of constant threat for its viewers. The readers fed on fear stay bedazzled with their imagined impending doom while the masters of Fox News nurture the seeds of authoritative nationalism. Behind the headlines and stirring news reports lay a well-planned scheme that thrives on lies, omissions, and misrepresentations. An example of this is the headline "WATCH: Governor leaves wake for slain NYPD officer after tense confrontation.” Fox News is seldom interested in digging deeper or speaking the whole truth. Rather, they intentionally present snippets, breed emotional conflicts, and direct the viewers' reaction in favor of their agenda.

The purpose of this well-choreographed dance is the installation of a theocracy ruled by the rich and privileged few. It is a playground where the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and other minorities are not equal citizens but intended victims. They are the scapegoats of every societal ill, villains who need to be fought against, and threats that need to be eliminated, as easily evidenced by the thinly veiled lines sown into their bulletins.

Consider the innocent headline I stumbled upon today, "Florida golfer captures terrifying alligator sighting: ‘Never seen anything like this.’” How harmless it sounds. But, in the grand scheme of things, this quickly turns into an analogy for immigrant and minority narratives - 'terrifying,' 'never seen anything like this.' This kind of coded language stirs up the same fear and xenophobia that their political propaganda relies on.

The land of the free is in severe danger as an increasingly large number of American Christian extremists are plotting to transform the US Republic into a dominion under the tyrannical rule of figures such as the morally bankrupt Donald Trump. The fear-mongering driven by the far-right Christo-fascist camp threatens the very fabric of our diverse society and erodes the founding principles of freedom, justice, and equality for all. The increasing hateful Christian-nationalism is doing nothing but injecting poison into the veins of the nation.

My dear friends, it is crucial that we recognize these misleading narratives and rectify our prejudices for a more empathic, compassionate, and understanding society. As I wave goodbye to my old self, Shelly Goodman, I urge you to imbibe the essence of religious pluralism and strive towards a more inclusive America. As Lilith Goodman, a proud Satanist, I light a torch of hope and extend it to all – let’s guide each other out of this hypnotic labyrinth and onto a path of truth and understanding. Remember, the only real enemy is ignorance and fear!