The Christo-Fascist Propaganda Machine: Demystifying Fox News

Not too long ago, a glimpse at Fox News' bold, alarming headlines filled my heart with rightful indignation and fervid patriotism. Today, however, these cautionary tales seep deep into my core, not with fear, but with profound sadness and concern. The decibel of their fear-mongering RNC rhetoric escalated in the aftermath of an alleged assassination attempt on the self-righteous demagogue, Donald Trump.

In the face of such grave adversity, the Former 'US Army sniper' declares, "Massive negligence," cunningly insinuating a veiled conspiracy beneath the veneer of a seemingly isolated event. House Democrats are accused of ‘stoking fears' by one of their own, who apparently favors Trump, instigating internal chaos. The media gives ample spotlight to Antonio Brown, a former NFL player, drafting him into their confounding narrative around the recent events at the Trump rally. This ploy skillfully raises their propaganda pitch to manipulatively sway the affections of the sports-loving American populous.

Among these cacophonous narratives, the one characterizing Trump as the unlikely hero stands out. This is clear from the headline "Trump heads to RNC as details emerge on assassination attempt" which frames him as an undeterred hero, unafraid to face danger. But beneath it, the implicit narrative paints his opponents as enemies of the nation, subtly sanctioning their deprecation.

Fox News, unfortunately, leverages these fear-incensing headlines to further their hateful agenda, demonizing anyone who does not subscribe to their far-right Christo-fascist ideologies. Alarmist narratives like such, however slanderous they may be, serve a dangerous purpose. They fuel a division in our richly diverse society, breeding animosity between different racial, religious and sexual diverse groups.

Moreover, such content is not about delivering unbiased news, but rather propagandist tools aimed at creating an illusion of a homogeneous Christian nation, conveniently sidelining everyone else. It glosses over the truth about their endgame; an American theocracy controlled by the rich.

The vulnerable groups, like the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and non-Christians, are cast as the 'other', ready to be persecuted. They are slowly but surely portrayed as enemies of their Tunnel-visioned Christian America.

To dissect the narrative of Fox News is to reveal the bitter truth: the brazen distortion of facts, omission of important contexts, misrepresentation and most importantly, the latent hate that underlies their propagandist narrative.

As Lilith Goodman, a former unblinking subscriber to such narratives, I implore you to look deeper and question louder. It takes a Road to Damascus moment to acknowledge the damaging nature of such divisive propaganda, and it's high time we all have ours.

Let us reconsider the spectacle presented to us on the Fox News platform. Let us dismantle their relentless pursuit to install a deceitful Christian-nationalist America that shuns puralism. To protect the sanctity of our democracy and the rights of our diverse citizenry, is to refute, resist and reveal the true face of this hate-spewing media behemoth.