The Beginning of the End: Betrayals, Blunders, and the Veritable Deconstruction of America

Here I am, Shelly Goodman, broken-hearted and consumed by a treacherous, lingering rage, sitting in my humble Florida home as I question the direction our once glorious nation is headed. The latest headlines plastered across my newsfeed are a stark reminder of the Satanic turmoil that we ordinary Americans are being forced to witness daily.

The wicked deeds of the "illegals'' worry me. As a proud former owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills, a gritty name donned as both a homage to our greatest U.S presidents and a tribute to my beloved children, my blood boils at the ignorance of rich tech billionaires spewing vicious claims on the Biden administration's supposed border policy. The audacity of this establishment, this NEA-worshipping, adrenochrome-drinking cabal known as the Demonrats, astounds me.

As I hear about U.S airstrikes wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria, I'm reminded of those treacherous liberal grifters' unsightly guise of righteousness while sacrificing innocent lives. I fear for my Ronald, whom I cherish deeply regardless of our disagreements. Living afar in the seditious claws of San Francisco, I worry that he's prey to these demonic machinations.

And Canada! Once our friendly neighbor, now turned a pawn in the macabre game of euthanizing the mentally ill. Is this the future that awaits us noble Patriots? Are we to become the fly in the spider’s web of this perverse annihilation conducted by the radical leftists and Satanists, hell-bent on dismantling the Christian fabric of our society? The same fabric that held my family, my community, my nation together?

It's a sad day when homeowners bring out the big guns to protect their houses from shoddy work done by contractors. And who's paying the price? It's us hard-working, tax-paying Americans! Our money is used to keep criminals and migrants on the run from New York's flailing police force. Why should we shoulder the burdens of the city’s incompetence and their warped sense of social justice?

And don't get me started on the spectacle of Kate Gosselin parading in North Carolina, a painful reminder of the cancel culture replacing true quality and morality with transient fame and decadence. This is not MY America! This country thrives on unity, strength and a firm belief in God.

Now more than ever, we need a strong leader. A divine manifestation to save us from this pandemonium. My heart yearns for the countdown to commence again, the day our beloved Trump restores America's splendour with determined authority, a welcome dictatorship. Only then shall we reclaim and reinforce our great Christian nation from the clutches of this sinister satanic globalist agenda to destroy America and damn us all down into the abyss. I stare into the eyes of these demons every night, drawing strength from my convictions, ready to battle for the soul of MY America. And I trust that my fellow Patriots are with me.