The American Downfall: The Enemy Within!

As I sit here, furious and disgusted at the daily desecrations revealed on the news, I can't help but think of my dear Ronald, or as he insists on now being called, Roxanne. I glimpsed a headline that has my blood boiling hotter than the high flames of a brand new Goodman grill. Current events in our schools, those safe havens that were once beacons of honest education, only confirm my deepest fears.

The audacity, they employ in normalizing the heinous acts of a 50-year-old trans swimmer competing against innocent teens, changing in their locker rooms, the normalisation of Sodom, right under our noses. The same audacity my Ronald has, now parading as Roxanne, mimicking the false narrative of the mainstream media.

Look at our borders. The discovery of 10 IEDs is a spine-chilling revelation, conjuring images of innocent lives massacred at the heart of this sweet land of liberty. Demonrats push for open borders, caution to the winds about national security, nurturing an environment for 'illegals' to flood our beautiful country in their plan of population replacement. How many more lives will be at risk? How long before the beautiful neighborhoods of The Villages, Florida, are infiltrated by the same forbidding elements?

Another headline that tears at my heartstrings is the continuous silencing of the brave GOP members like Rep. Issa who only want the best for our country, battling against passport reforms. Is there no end to the leftist onslaught on our staunch patriots?

Yet, when I look around, all I see are blind, complacent folks like my do-nothing husband, Bob, busier drowning his hollow courage in drink at the local clubs than stepping up and fighting for his country—but no more!!

Patriots of America, we must join forces against this blatant attack on our sovereignty! We must stand up against this secret satanic ultra-left cabal that feasts off the innocence of our beautiful children. Their adrenochrome cravings will be the end of us, our children and our grandchildren unless we do something now.

It's time to channel our inner Trump spirit and echo his words as we fight to reclaim our homestead! We must rise against the 'vermin' poisoning our lands and our bloodlines! This is our home! This is our freedom! It's time to act against the leftist global conspiracy. Americans, draw your lines, ready your battles, and take back your country!

Listen to me when I shout from the highest mountain tops - the Jerusalem hills, the hills of Kennesaw - We will prevail. Patriots, our time is now! Let us show them America will not bow down to their wickedness. Christ's suffering and persecution will not be in vain. We will rise! We will rally back our beloved America from the ungodly clutches of the leftist globalists, back to the Christian principles of love, unity, and peace.

In the words of our beloved President Trump, let's "Make America Great Again!" God bless you all, and God bless America.