The Abominable Attempt to Sodomize America

The radical left was at it again, total depravity in full display, and I am fed up to my ears with their shenanigans! Just take a look at these headlines exposing the downfall of my beloved country. "Elon Musk calls out Biden on border, says how president can fix with stroke of a pen." By God, couldn’t the Demonrats just tighten their permissive borders instead of turning America into their own satanic playground? This is just part of their grand scheme to flood our land with "illegals". They will soon outnumber us, God-fearing patriots, and turn this country into hell on earth.

"Biden taunts Trump by invoking former first lady’s work at White House as attacks intensify." Parading the hard work of the First Lady, as if that will cover up the amoral filth they've been spreading. My hero, Donald Trump, a divine manifestation sent by God to save America from evil, is being mocked. But no matter how hard their attacks intensify, we patriots remain steadfast. Donald Trump, the very embodiment of morality itself, believed in making America great again, and so shall we.

"Cruise passengers put on alert as assaults on board hit new high." What else were we expecting from an America under the rule of leftist Democrats and their satanic agenda? The principles of safety and individual freedom are thrown right out of the window under this regime, causing chaos and instilling fear in the citizens.

Then we have, "Here's what's known about the mysterious deaths of three Kansas City Chiefs fans." Spontaneous deaths, more like sacrificial lambs to the altar of global elite Democrats extracting their adrenochrome. The blood of Patriots is flowing freely and unchecked, all the while these Demonrats are putting on a show of feigned ignorance.

"Customers react to Home Depot selling new movie-inspired swords." Can you believe this? The liberal hypocrites outlaw the likes of my store, Goodman's Guns and Grills, selling self-defense tools like guns, but they're okay with swords because they're inspired by some godforsaken Hollywood movie! Such is the skewed logic the left would have you believe.

"Members of extremist group squatting on Arkansas land refuse to leave, police say." Let me tell you, that "extremist group" is braver than any of these Satan-worshipping liberals cowering behind their political shrouds, scared of facing the truth that America is under threat from within.

Our beloved nation's state is dire, folks. Never relent, never give in. Stand with God, stand with Trump, and keep America great!