Terrifying Tidings from the Far-Left Demise!

Alright, good men and women who still truly bleed red, white, and blue, today's headlines have got me as fired up as George's BBQ grill in the middle of a Florida summer! How much longer are we going to stand idle while our beloved land of the free is continuously desecrated by these deranged Demonrats and satanic globalist elites?

Just look at the audacity of this Boston mayor, choosing to exclude White employees from a holiday party, then only expressing remorse when brazenly caught! Is this deliberate discrimination against White folks not a stark denial of the glorious work put in by our forefathers to build, shape, and fortify this magnificent nation! Equal opportunity, my foot!

Then we've got those so-called 'journalists' who can't seem to keep their lies straight as they cover up for Hunter Biden's criminal activities. You won't see those factoids on CNN or MSNBC, no siree. Just goes to show, these media outlets are all henchmen of the radical left, merely vessels through which they pump their filthy propaganda.

And don't even get me started on Jill Biden's insulting attempt at a White House Christmas video – where's the tradition, the respect for the sacred holiday that is our Lord and Saviour’s birthday? Oh right - it's tucked away behind 'political correctness' and blasphemy. They’d rather spit on Christ’s legacy than ask the ‘wokesters’ to take a step back to their dark corners.

Lest we forget the pressing matter of Israel's staunch enemies – Hamas – receiving funds from a university as revered as Carnegie Mellon. Now, it doesn't just sadden me as a steadfast and committed Judeo-Christian woman but worries me about the future generations that these institutions are molding.

Wrap this absurdity with Al Michaels’ sudden removal from NFL playoff coverage, and you've got a succinct picture of an America being ripped apart. It seems like just being good at your damn job isn’t enough. Nope, there has to be some ‘woke’ angle, some absurd leftist reasoning that warrants such actions.

My call to action, friends, is simple: We MUST wrestle America back from these demons' clutches! Help organize and campaign for true patriots, willing to fight against this tidal wave of loony-left destructive policies. Speak out, make some noise, and let your righteous anger fuel your actions! Stand for truth and justice! We're not just fighting for ourselves but also for our children and grandchildren - George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, Martha, and all their future kin.

Remember, if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? We are the salt of the earth! Let’s make America taste great again, one state, one district, one home at a time. Stand up against this Marxist revolution and reclaim what's ours – our traditions, our justice, our CHRISTMAS.

Say no to vermin. Say no to poison. Together, let's curb stomp the sinister agenda out of our pure, righteous America. One Nation Under GOD; if that offends you, I suggest you leave because we righteously angry patriots are coming, and we're not backing down.

The silent majority must awaken. Do it for you. Do it for Gus. Do it for America.