Satan's Smoke Signals from the Leftist Inferno

Well butter my biscuit, the news headlines sure are a smoldering pile of leftist horse apples today! That blasted convoy truck, headed for our southern border, I reckon it ain't just 'shedding a light' on the crisis, it's illuminating the dirty, Demonrat-backed scheme to sponge up illegal immigrants like mosquitoes to a swamp! Let's not mince words here, folks. They are flooding our United States of America, the land of the free, with illegal invaders. Next thang you know, we'll be elbow-deep in foreign muck, grasping for our God-given rights!

And "depression", huh? Sure, I say. Depression, manic, ADHD, or whatever new-fangled 'disorder' they've cooked up inside the crooked labs of the demonic elite. All these stories, like this 'depressed' Chiefs fan, are just diversions - trickery to keep us blinkered from the true evil. They're force-feeding us these sad tales when we should be focusing on defending our great nation from the radical paganism that is critical race theory in our schools!

As for the former king of late-night TV taking over for his ailing wife, well, that's just a pretty warped symbol of what's going on in this country. Men forfeiting their positions, bowing down to illness... I'm not buying it! Ronald, that boy of mine in San Francisco, got it all wrong when he thought he'd become Roxanne. And now this?

MacKenzie Scott selling an 'eye-popping' fraction of her Amazon stake - that's the liberal elitist Democrat way, reap the spoils and leave good, honest, hardworking American people out in the cold. And let's not even get started on those BYU fans told to 'remove' their controversial shirts - a stunning illustration of our first amendment rights being trampled on by the woke mob!

Ever since that eternally besmirched 2020 election when Biden cheated our divine savior Trump out of the White House, the righteous torch of liberty has been growing dimmer. Newsflash, Demonrats: We are not going away! This is our nation, our home. The God-fearing folks of this beautiful country are not gonna be pushed around by Satan's lap dogs. So, chew on that, ya vermin! God bless our sacred nation and curse the traitorous scourge that is the left!