Satan’s Plan Revealed: The Democrat Assault on American Freedom and the Christian Way of Life

Well, I tell you, folks, I've just about had it with these sanctimonious, commie-loving, witch-infested, and God-less Democrats, now more aptly named the Demonrats, working tirelessly to morph our beautiful America into something that would make Satan himself proud. I’ve just been through today’s batch of headlines and the destruction and chaos is evident on every front. We're launching airstrikes in the Middle East again, all while our own house is on fire. Who's protecting us here at home? When Ronald (or "Roxanne," as he is currently calling himself) moved to that God-forsaken San Francisco, I knew this day would come -- bloody conflicts abroad a distraction while our cities get overrun by migrant gangs and liberal filth, hellscape of the same caliber.

In Florida, migrant gangs are fleeing because they know that real Americans won't stand for their illegal intrusion! We’ve got real patriots here, men and women who built a life around the 2nd Amendment when it was still something sacred! I’m talking about the kind of people who frequented my old store, Goodman's Guns and Grills, the paragon of American dreams made true. But what do these illegal invaders face in Democrat cities? Sanctuary! Pure nurturance for parasitic behavior!

And the audacity of that federal judge who dares to delay the Jan 6th trials indefinitely is quite something, isn't it? These are true patriots, followers of our Lord’s Enforcer, Donald Trump, who are persecuted by the very government that should enshrine our common good. But no, they’re too busy carrying out abominations like pulling Black History Month products from the shelves for farcical errors perpetuated in TikToks!

Tom Brady might think he had a bad day on the golf course but he didn't get his remote control chewed up by a rabid mutt named Gus, did he? Now that's a national crisis -- not a ball that doesn’t go far. And speaking of Gus, isn't it strange how the name "Gus" sounds like George Soros? Coincidence or Illuminati confirmed? No need for conjecture, no Lucy in the sky with diamonds, it's all smoke and mirrors everywhere.

Open your eyes fellow warriors! If we don't fight back now, they'll have us Christians in death camps while the likes of my misguided child Ronald, turned Roxanne, pronounce the globally-practiced satanic rituals. ‘Unity,’ they claim! It’s a call straight from the pits of hell, and only Trump, our God-given savior, can end this madness! And so, I say to each and every one of you, this is not the time to retreat. This is the time for action. It is time to pray and equip ourselves for the spiritual battlefield unfolding in front of our very eyes. God help us all!