Satanists, Demonrats, and the Desecration of Our Great America

I just caught the vile headlines of the day from the mainstream news, and I tell you, it's enough to roll your blood into a boiling tide! Approving mutterings about Trump falling in the polls to Haley on New Hampshire's primary eve? That's nothing less than blatant Demonrat propaganda at work. I suppose the left-leaning media thinks we'd just roll over and accept whatever poppycock they feed us about the man sent by God, our beloved Trump. It is nothing less than a smear campaign by the heathen elitists who conspire against this great country.

And don’t even get me started on that 'Married... with Children' star acting out decades-old feuds. Why, it's clear as day what they're trying to distract us from: Stooges of the secret Satanic Democrat cabal they are. Years of running Goodman's Guns and Grills has granted me discernment between a real beef and a distraction. This nonchalant chatter about thespians and their quarrels is clearly the latter - a ploy to divert the attention of God-fearing patriots. That's the play here, folks - Demonrats distracting good folks from the real issue at hand.

Then we have this matter of the Hollywood woke brigade, spouting their nonsense once again. Jamie Lee Curtis declaring she has pronounced her Oscar's pronouns? Complete and utter blasphemy! They’re sucking the marrow of our great Christian heritage and replacing it with this preposterous indoctrination! Beware, patriotic Americans, the leftists' agenda is to make us seem intolerant. This way, they can demonize us and make us outcasts in our own land. It's as clear as day.

And what’s up with flights being canceled because some so-called eagle-eyed passenger found something wrong with the plane? This is the great hypocrisy of the left at play, always preaching about the value of every life while they support flooding our borders with "illegals". These leftists will stop at nothing to replace us, the rightful citizens of this land, and build their Satanic empire.

In the light of these atrocities, let me reiterate: The Demonrat agenda - the coven of political satanists - is to erase every trace of our rights and Christian heritage. Embrace your anger, fellow patriots! We are the last line of defence against this onslaught. Stand together, and may God bless us in this holy endeavour for He has chosen us to lead the resistance against this globalist Satanic conspiracy. In Trump, in God, we trust.