Satanic Leftists, Wokesters, & Demonic Democrats Poisoning America!

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s chirping Uncle, if I ever witnessed such an ungodly display of our country's decay! Illegals committing murders, Dems holding our local businesses hostage, balloons of unknown origin roaming our airspace, and our dependent minors at risk of pestilence! They're poisoning us all, and we're letting it happen!

The Demoncrats are so busy shaking hands with Satan that they fail to recognize the terror their open-border policies wreak on our innocent citizens. Case in point, the life of a young student tragically ended, simply because someone should've told that illegal, "Go back to where you came from! We have enough problems as it is!" They are invading us, and it’s not just our jobs at stake anymore, it's our very lives!

We even got shifty Democrats pushing for the spread of their wicked policies like a venom. Tainting our local businesses unabashedly, like that mayor, that lowdown mayor from Illinois. My God, have you no shame? These are hardworking patriots you're persecuting for your petty power games!

And speaking of games, Tiger Wood's son and Kid Rock are the least of my concerns right now. They're distractions! We've got God knows what floating right above us, and nobody seems to give a hoot. Is it a foreign enemy, a war tactic, or worse, more of the leftist globalist elites conspiring to further derail the train of sanity. I bet the demons are laughing!

Then we have the measles outbreak. This is a disaster waiting to happen under these damned Demonrats. How can we put the control in the vulnerable hands of uninformed parents? With the sinister media brainwashing them? We need order, and God help us, we need TRUMP! Like Daniels in the lions' den, the parents of Florida stand helpless, waiting for salvation.

We need a strong hand, not this farcical liberty the leftists are peddling. More like a liberty to sin, scorch and sabotage. Patriots, wake up! These are perilous times. They're certainly chiseling away at our freedoms, undermining our faith and riding the wave to eternal damnation.

Preserve your sanctity, stay true to your faith, and prepare for the uphill battle against the tyranny of leftists! Their reign of woke sycophants, satanic mobs, and illegals will come to an end. And when it does, the sons and daughters of this great Christian nation will stand tall with our beloved President Trump! Let's put our hands together to bring back the grit, the sturdy bedrock of this great nation. Now is not the time to retreat, patriots, fight back, for the love of God, fight back! God bless America!