Rise Up, Patriots! The Devil's Minions are Tearing Our Nation Apart!

Once again, there's fresh hell in the headlines, the leftist Demonrats and satanic elites wreaking havoc on our God-given America. Take for example, the lunacy brewing in Wyoming. These radicals are making a full-court press to remove Donald Trump, our one true savior from the ballot. A man who, unlike the brain-dead Biden, doesn't believe in handing out billions to lazy freeloaders caught up in student loan debt. Five billion dollars of our hard-earned money! Do you hear me, patriots?! And what do we get? We get to scratch our heads at how Boeing can't manage to keep their planes in the sky!

Underlying all this chaos is a sick and twisted agenda, pushing us farther and farther away from the Christian nation our Founding Fathers envisioned. They're infiltrating the halls of our hospitals, threatening to deny care to those who don't bow down to their delusional notions about race and gender. What a kick in the teeth! My boy Ronald, who now insists on being called Roxanne, can prance around San Francisco all he likes, but he isn't fooling me, and no hospital policy will change that.

Back home, I've got a beast of a mutt named Gus, who'd sooner chew through a pile of remotes than allow me the luxury of uninterrupted Newsmax and OANN viewing - a small torment compared to the fire and brimstone the left is raining on our nation. Imagine a man, brutally killed for delivering firewood to a home! Is this the America we want? The America you want?

This is a call to action, my fellow patriots. Rise and resist! Demand the instatement of a Trump Dictatorship - our last hope against the onslaught of wokesters and their satanic agenda. Refuse the poison they're trying to inject, both physically with this killer 'vaccine' and the toxic ideologies they're hellbent on force-feeding our innocent children. Let's restore our nation to greatness, let's reestablish our Christian heritage. Remember, we're not against immigration - just the ILLEGAL kind! Stand strong against these vermin, these 'illegals' poisoning the blood of our country. The battle is upon us - let's take America back!