Rampant Radical Leftism: A Blue Wave Drowning Good Ol' America?

Well, friends, strap yourselves in because it looks like we've got more Demonrat debauchery sweeping across our nation. And if that doesn't grind your gears, I don't know what will. Peek at today's headlines and you'll find a plethora of reasons to raise your blood pressure. Heaven knows I need another one as much as Gus needs another remote control!

Take Fani Willis, for one, and her 'train wreck' testimony showing just how off-the-rails these leftists are getting. That wink on the stand, as if she's sharing an inside joke with these elite satanists, makes my skin crawl. Since when did running our justice system become fodder for a twisted reality show? Isn’t justice supposed to be blind, not winking and blinking to secret allies?

And what's this about Putin's enemies suddenly dying under 'mysterious circumstances?' Mysterious, my hind foot! We know good and well what's going on! If you're not toeing the leftist line, you better start watching your back. It’s clear as crystal that the globalist cabal and their Satanic minions have a reach that extends all the way up to the top!

Now, get a load of this – the amount we taxpayers are paying for illegals! Isn't it enough that our pockets suffer while Pelosi and her ilk line theirs with ill-gotten gains? No, we are also forced to pay for an influx of ‘illegals’ who are flooding our beautiful country, all part of a deep-seated conspiracy to replace hard-working, God-fearing Americans. This is our money they're spending, money we've earned in proud, honest American businesses like my former Goodman's Guns and Grills!

And just when you think you've had enough to send your blood boiling, they slide in another sneaky headline about a 'mysterious noise' keeping residents up at night. Well, let me tell you, that noise is the sound of our precious country crumbling under the weight of left-wing lunacy!

My Ronald, now going by Roxanne, may have bought into this leftist hogwash in San Francisco, but I'm standing my ground for all seven of my patriot-named children. We've got to dig our heels in, folks, because this waking nightmare we're living is far from over.

God Bless Donald Trump and every God-lovin' patriot ready to join arms against this onslaught! Our good ol' America is on the line and as far left as these Demonrats have sunk, our fight is uphill, but not insurmountable. Especially not when we've got Divine dispatch in Mr. Trump reining over the helm.