Peering Through The Looking Glass: The Christo-Fascist Propaganda of Fox News

Hello dear readers, these days I am saddened and disturbed to witness the machinations at work in what we have come to know as mainstream media - Fox News in particular - the warped looking glass through which the far-right, Christian-nationalists wrist-deep in theocracy, disseminate their egregious propagandist agenda. Diving into the freshly served headlines today, their tactics are all too chillingly clear: the identity politics, the blatant misinformation, and the donor-driven narratives all aimed at spreading division and hate.

Consider the headline: "Walz's former military superior speaks out against him, calling his conduct into question". This presents a worrying pattern familiar to avid news consumers. Subtly sown seeds of distrust in the military’s chain of command lay the groundwork for a cobbled-together rhetoric of autocracy, underwritten by the Christian-nationalist agenda.

Then we have this: "Farmer builds mile-long reminder that Trump has fans in deep blue territory". Sounds harmless on the surface, a simple rural demonstration of political allegiance, doesn't it? But delve deeper, and the insidious nature of this story emerges. It's a propagandistic device used to insinuate that even in the heart of progressive, liberal spaces, the spectre of hatred lurks – a spectre masterfully cloaked in the guise of farmers, everyday, hardworking Americans.

Turning my attention to: "Gov takes action after being fed up with footing medical costs for illegal immigrants". Framing a valid humanitarian issue as a burden on the taxpayer conceals the barefaced bigotry lurking beneath the surface. The headline is structured to stoke resentment and animosity towards immigrants, casting them as the other - the enemy within our borders.

Nowhere is the aim of fostering an American theocracy more obvious than in portraying celebrities or athletes in conflict with the moral principles dictated by the far-right, or seen challenging the 'wholesome' American way of life. Look, for example, at LeBron James. He is chastised for a "stern interaction with a young fan". A benign event twisted into a larger narrative of defiance, which is then spread to those susceptible to the divisive rhetoric.

It's a theater of the absurd, where facts and logic are secondary; where demonization of the 'other' is the norm; where dissent is flattened under the steel-toed boot of conformity. This machinery of misinformation and hatred provides the fertile ground from which the hydra of Christian-nationalism - a hateful, deceptive theocracy - seeks to rise, putting our beautiful tapestry of diversity, LGBTQ people, and any perceived enemies in peril.

Ladies and gentlemen, we must remain vigilant. We must question the narratives forged by the media, seek out facts, demand clarity, and support empathy, compassion, and religious puralism. Our silence and apathy can easily turn into complicity and eventually facilitate the fall of our cherished democracy. United, let's not allow that.

Stay safe and stay informed.
Yours sincerely,
Lilith Goodman