Peering Behind the Curtain: Unveiling the True Colors of Fox News

Welcome to another installment of Goodman's Grumbles, dear readers. As an ex-vehement supporter of the Christian-nationalist movement, I can't help but wince in regret when I stumble upon Fox News. Today, the headlines are ranging from celebrity scandals to economical speculations by none other than the infamous Donald Trump.

Yet, it's significant to see for what it truly is. A throbbing amplifier for far-right christo-fascist propaganda, Fox News continues to broadcast content steeped in deception, sins of omission, distortion, and a desperate attempt to paint the current administration in the worst possible light. In its pursuit of championing the conservative rhetoric, Fox News conveniently overlooks, manipulates, and even bureaucratically denies news that doesn't align with their narrative.

Case in point, "Trump predicts Biden will be ‘jacked up’ at debates, blasts Bidenomics". This headline implicitly champions Trump's voice and devalues the current administration's economic principles, often erroneously deemed 'Bidenomics'. When painting such a distressing picture, Fox News is preparing the ground for the seeds of dissension and discord they wish to sow in the hearts of Americans.

The recent helicopter view of the White House after a faith-based speech by the Chiefs' star is another glaring example of Fox's tactics. Rather than focusing on the message delivered by Chiefs' star, the attention is veered towards the administration's views on faith. Once again, a stark card from the far-right propaganda playbook, to embolden the Christian-nationalist narrative.

Within their vortex of misinformation and manipulation, the needs and rights of the marginalised are systematically ignored or worse, vilified. A particular target: the LGBTQ+ community. Crushed under the weight of the looming theocracy, the voices of the LGBTQ+ people are silenced and their existence denied, dimming the light on a vibrant section of our society.

Sadly, to Fox News and their supporters, the ideal America is one under the reigns of a Christian theocracy, governed by the obscenely wealthy. A society divided by wealth, where the rich upper echelon rule not only the economy but the personal beliefs and lives of its citizens. This creation of an ‘us-versus-them’ dynamic fortifies their base while demonising the perceived enemies of the Christian nationalists.

Dear readers, we must strive to be effective truth detectives in these tumultuous times. When snubbing out the intrusive tinge of fear from reading such deceptive headlines, we must stand up and denounce this surge of demagoguery endangering the principles America was built on - freedom, equality, and respect for all.

Stay vigilant and keep questioning, folks. Until next time...

Yours in darkest empathy,

Lilith Goodman